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本研究目的在以潛在語意分析 (Latent Semantic Analysis) 技術為學習者摘要評量與回饋的基礎,亦透過專家概念圖以及概念詞的回饋機制,發展一套線上摘要評量與回饋系統,並探討不同回饋模式對國小學生摘要進步分數的影響。 本研究之研究對象為120位新北市某國小六年級學生,以隨機分派的方式將學生分成四組實驗組,各組樣本人數為30人。實驗組依照語意回饋以及概念詞回饋的有無分成四組為:「分數回饋組」、「分數+語意回饋組」、「分數+概念詞回饋組」以及「分數+語意+概念詞回饋組」。本研究採等組前後測2x2二因子受試者間實驗設計,自變項為語意回饋以及概念詞回饋的有無,依變項則為摘要進步分數。摘要訓練課程為七節課,每節課40分鐘,每週兩節課。 研究結果顯示: 一、就有概念詞回饋的狀態下而言,不論是有語意回饋與無語意回饋的狀態下並無顯著差異存在。 二、就無概念詞回饋的狀態下而言,有語意回饋的組別(分數+語意回饋組),其摘要進步分數顯著高於無語意回饋的組別(分數回饋組)的摘要進步分數。 三、就有語意回饋的狀態下而言,不論是有概念詞回饋與無概念詞回饋的狀態下並無顯著差異存在。 四、就無語意回饋的狀態下而言,有概念詞回饋的組別(分數+概念詞回饋組)其摘要進步分數顯著高於無概念詞回饋的組別(分數回饋組)的摘要進步分數。 最後,研究者針對研究結果進行討論,並提出幾點建議與未來研究方向以供日後研究的發展與參考。
The purpose of this study is todevelop the online summary assessment and feedback system. The system isbased on Latent Semantic Analysis andexpert concept mapping to give students their summary assessment and feedback. This study compares the effects of different feedback methods on students' summary performance. The subjects were 120 sixthgraders elementary students.The ‘pretest-posttest equivalent groups of the quasi-experimental designs’ is employed in the study. There were fourexperimental groups. The experimental group one received summary grade, the experimental group two received summary grade and the feedback of semantic, the experimental group three received summary grade and the feedback of concept term, and the experimental group four received summary grade, the feedback of semantic and concept term. The independent variable is the feedbackofsemantic and concept term;thedependent variables isstudents' summary performance. The findings were as follows: 1. With regard to the feedback of concept term, whether have the feedback of semantic or non-semantic,students' summary performance were non-significant. 2. With regard to the feedback of non-concept term, the feedback of semantic(group 2)its summary performance was higher than the feedback of non-semantic (group1). 3. With regard to the feedback of semantic, whether have the feedback of concept term or non-concept term, students' summary performance were non-significant. 4. With regard to the feedback of semantic, the feedback of concept term (group 3) its summary performance was higher than the feedback of non-concept term (group1). Theresults were discussed and some recommendations were made for elementary school curriculum practice and future research.



潛在語意分析, 概念圖, 摘要回饋, Latent Semantic Analysis, concept map, summary feedback

