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新聞記者之薪資水準與新聞專業性及表現息息相關,然而近年台灣新聞記者薪資水 平嚴重下滑,變化也遠較其他產業劇烈,不但薪資水準反轉落後於一般專業人員,且 與其他傳播、資訊及文化產業相較,也逐漸淪為後段班。新聞記者薪資水準下降除影 響新聞產業能否進用優秀人才、保障記者勞動條件、並進而維護新聞產製品質與專業 自主性外,亦反映台灣新聞產業發展及市場競爭秩序之困境與警訊,要反省思索此一 問題,我們可從各相關層面如科技、產業、競爭結構、勞動市場、社會文化變遷、以 及整體政治經濟背景脈絡等去尋求線索。 從經濟角度出發,影響產業薪資水準之主要因素包括經濟景氣、產業表現、產業市 場結構與競爭、勞動市場狀況及貿易等等,然而政治經濟與社會文化背景因素,以及 近年來新傳播資訊科技之影響也不容忽視。因此本研究擬從產業表現、市場結構、勞 動市場、以及科技這四大面向,加之以傳播政治經濟學之歷史社會分析,來探究台灣 新聞記者薪資水準變化之因素,以及薪資水準下降對新聞產製與內容品質之可能影響。 探索新聞記者薪資影響因素與其變化發展脈絡,將有助我們思考科技對新聞勞動及 新聞勞動力的可能作用、產業與市場因素對新聞勞動權的可能威脅,更重要的,也進 一步督促我們去反省檢視台灣新聞產業與市場競爭秩序之問題與限制,並尋思在民主 政治體系對多元民主與高品質新聞產業之需求下,我們應如何思考台灣新聞產業之未 來。
The wage level of journalists is closely related to the profession and performance of the news industry. However, in recent years, salaries of Taiwanese journalists have changed dramatically and have severely dropped even when compared to other relevant communications, information, and culture industries. The average pay of journalists has fallen from superior among general professionals to inferior. And if we take the communications, information, and culture industry as a whole, journalists’salaries already fall near or at the bottom. This affects the news industry’scapacity to attract new workers and to encourage promising journalists to devote themselves to the profession. The resulting lack of journalistic excellence will hinder the development of a wholesome democracy and vivid civil society. What factors influence the wage level of an industry? From the macro view, reasons determining wage level might include business cycle, industrial performance, market structure and extent of competition, labor market situation, and technological application in industries. Given the falling wage level in the news industry and the wide adaptation of new information communication technologies in news production, this research will explore the determinants of the average wage level of Taiwanese journalists in terms of four main perspectives: industrial performance, market structure, labor market situation, and technology. The study will also include an analysis of Taiwan’s social, historical, and industrial background using the research method of political economy of communication. By uncovering the reasons for lagging wages in the news industry compared with other relevant industries, this research will help us understand technologies’effect on news labor and news workers, threats of market on labor rights of journalists, and more importantly, to rethink the developmental limitations and problems of today’s Taiwanese news industry. As a result, the study will provide the policy sector with a valuable reference in reconsidering policies in the news industry.







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