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本研究旨在探討不同的學習引導策略(程序引導、問題引導)與學習者不同的專注程度(高專注力、低專注力)對國小四年級學生使用擴增實境遊戲學習登革熱防治相關概念的學習成效、登革熱防治概念學習態度與登革熱防治行為態度之影響。研究對象為國小四年級學生,共112人參與實驗教學。研究設計採因子設計之準實驗設計法,自變項包含學習引導策略與專注力程度,學習引導策略分為「程序引導策略」及「問題引導策略」兩種類型,專注力程度依據專注力量表之分數高低,分為「低專注力」及「高專注力」;依變項則包括登革熱防治概念學習成效、登革熱防治態度與行為意向和登革熱防治學習態度。 研究結果依登革熱防治概念學習成效、登革熱防治態度與行為意向和登革熱防治學習態度三個面向,綜合歸納如下:(1)低專注力學習者使用程序引導策略比問題引導策略能提升知識理解表現,而高專注力學習者使用問題引導策略的知識理解表現優於低專注力學習者。同時,使用程序引導策略的學習者在知識應用表現優於使用問題引導策略;(2)程序引導策略及問題引導策略皆能保持學習者正向的防治態度與防治行為意向,其中高專注力學習者抱持較高的防治態度與行為意向;以及(3)程序引導策略比問題引導策略更能讓學習者對登革熱防治擴增實境遊戲教材在學習幫助度與學習滿意度持正面肯定態度,其中高專注力學習者抱持較高的學習態度。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of learning guidance strategy and concentration on elementary students' performance in learning Dengue prevention. Participants were 112 fourth grade elementary students. The independent variables of this research were learning guidance strategy and concentration. The learning guidance strategies included procedural guidance and question guidance. Participants' concentration in learning Dengue prevention was identified as high concentration and low concentration. The dependent variables included learning performance, prevention attitude and prevention behavioral intention, and learning attitudes. The results revealed that (a) learners with low concentration using procedural guidance achieved better knowledge and understanding of learning performance than using question guidance; learners with high concentration using question guidance achieved better knowledge and understanding of learning performance than learners with low concentration using question guidance; learners using procedural guidance achieved better knowledge application of learning performance than learners using question guidance; (b) learning guidance strategies had positive impacts on learners' prevention attitude and prevention behavioral intention; learners with high concentration achieved more positive prevention attitude and prevention behavioral intention; and (c) learners using procedural guidance had more positive impacts on learning help and learning satisfaction; learners with high concentration achieved more positive learning attitude.



學習引導策略, 專注力, 擴增實境遊戲, 登革熱防治, learning guidance, concentration, augmented reality game, Dengue prevention

