自願性地理資訊的教育應用: 建置臺灣地球寶藏尋寶網站(II)
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近年來自願性地理資訊的快速發展被視為是地理科學的新典範,這種由民眾在電子 地圖上附加個人的地理資訊,不但能即時反映庶民的真實生活經驗,更在網路社群的集 體合作下,對當代的科學、商業、政治、軍事和教育逐漸產生深遠的影響。本研究的目 的是建立一個地點型遊戲學習網站,稱為「地球寶藏尋寶網站」,以臺灣的高中地理教 師和學生作為自願性地理資訊的主要供應者和使用者,期望藉由寓教於樂的戶外活動, 使國內高中地理野外實察教學更為普及,並為自願性地理資訊應用於地理教育這個國際 研究新議題,提供臺灣本土的實證研究個案。 本年度(第二年)計畫的主要內容是以第一年度開發的尋寶網站作為平台,設立全 台 10個地球寶藏示範點,作為玩家參與尋寶遊戲的範例,並將邀請自願擔任初始會員 的高中師生,透過遊戲體驗來協助系統評估與改善。最後建立寶藏點的評價機制和會 員的榮譽機制,以激勵玩家持續參與尋寶活動和促進社群成長。
The rapid development of volunteered geographic information (VGI) has been regarded as a new paradigm of geographical sciences in recent years. By integrating more geographic information to the raw digital map, the citizens contribute their personal data and revealed their authentic life stories. The collaborative VGI of network communities gradually made profound impacts on contemporary science, commerce, politics, military, and education. The aim of this study is to build a location-based game learning website, named The Earthcache Website. In this website, the geography teachers and students of senior high schools in Taiwan are defined as not only the major consumers but also content providers of the VGI. By promoting learning geography through playing outdoor activities, we hope more teachers and students will participate in geography field studies. This project also provides a detailed local case study to the contemporary research agenda of the VGI applications in geographic education. As the Earthcache Website has been established last year, there are three goals in this second year. First, 10 Earthcaches will be compiled in Taiwan as the tutorials for the beginners. Besides, volunteered high school teachers and students will be invited to create a group of initial members. They will experience the Earthcaching activities to assist system assessment and improvement. Finally, a raking system for Earthcaches and an honor mechanism for members will be developed to keep participants active and to facilitate the growth of user community.
The rapid development of volunteered geographic information (VGI) has been regarded as a new paradigm of geographical sciences in recent years. By integrating more geographic information to the raw digital map, the citizens contribute their personal data and revealed their authentic life stories. The collaborative VGI of network communities gradually made profound impacts on contemporary science, commerce, politics, military, and education. The aim of this study is to build a location-based game learning website, named The Earthcache Website. In this website, the geography teachers and students of senior high schools in Taiwan are defined as not only the major consumers but also content providers of the VGI. By promoting learning geography through playing outdoor activities, we hope more teachers and students will participate in geography field studies. This project also provides a detailed local case study to the contemporary research agenda of the VGI applications in geographic education. As the Earthcache Website has been established last year, there are three goals in this second year. First, 10 Earthcaches will be compiled in Taiwan as the tutorials for the beginners. Besides, volunteered high school teachers and students will be invited to create a group of initial members. They will experience the Earthcaching activities to assist system assessment and improvement. Finally, a raking system for Earthcaches and an honor mechanism for members will be developed to keep participants active and to facilitate the growth of user community.