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本研究目的為探討臺北市民眾有關噪音危害知識、周遭環境噪音感受、噪音的檢舉行為,以及相互關係,以提供噪音防制教育的參考。研究對象以居住於臺北市環境保護局公告之第二、三類噪音管制區的第三及第四種住宅區、文教區,以及商業區二十歲以上民眾為研究母群體,並以民國國八十五年臺北市環境保護局委託國立臺灣師範大學衛生教育系,進行噪音測定的102個測定點周圍100公尺內的居家或上班受訪民眾為研究樣本,共1000人。進行問卷調查,結果如下: 1.民眾認為星期一∼六之較吵時段,為上下班時間,而星期日較吵的時段則較分散。 2.民眾的噪音危害知識的平均答對率為67.2%,但有部份知識題目答對率偏低。 3.噪音源主要來自汽機車聲,這些噪音源對民眾日常生活起居,以及工作有些影響。 4.大部份民眾不曾檢舉過噪音源,只有少部份民眾因為環境太吵而檢舉過噪音源,而這些曾經檢舉的民眾中,有40.6%認為取締不太有效,22.5%則認為稍有成效。 5.有45.1%民眾認為臺北市政府實施噪音管制不太有效,28.6%認為稍有成效,在管制噪音方面,認為應採用輔導方式、重罰,以及勤加取締。 6.社經地位較高民眾對周遭環境品質較注意,也較容易受到噪音干擾。 7.大廈民眾比公寓、商店及平房民眾,更重視環境品質,也對噪音干擾較敏感。 8.曾經檢舉噪音的民眾比不曾檢舉的民眾,較易受到噪音影響。 9.周遭寧靜程度,認為臺北市噪音污染程度、民眾年齡、以及社經地位,能有效預測噪音感受,但解釋力只有23.4%,值得進一步探討。
The purpose of this study was to understand the knowledge of harmful noise, the feelings of environmental noise, the proposed controlling behavior toward noise, and the relationship of these variables for the reference of noise preventive education program. The sample was selected from people living or working in the areas of 102 noise measuring spots which had been surveyed by the health education department of National Taiwan Normal University within the second third noise controlling region in accordance with Noise Controlling Rule. The data were collected via interview with the total number of valid questionnaires being 1000. The main findings of this study were: 1. The more noisy period of time from Monday through Saturday was the time of going to work, and of coming back to home. The more noisy period of time on Sunday was distributed on almost any section of the day. 2. The correct rate of harmful noise knowledge was 67.2%, but the correct rate of some noise knowledge was low. 3. The sources of noise were mainly from cars and motorcycles, and these noise had some degree of effect on people's living and working. 4. Most people never accusing noise sources, but small part of people had ever accusing noise sources. The 40.6% of the small part of people indicated that the effectiveness of proposed controlling noise was not good, but the 22.5% of the group of people considered the effectiveness of proposed controlling noise being a little good. 5. The 45.1% of people showed that the strategy of controlling noise executed by Taipei Municipal Environmental Protection Agency was not saatisfactory, but the 28.6% of people was. 6. The people of higher social economic level were easily influenced by noise. 7. The people living in well-equipped buildings were more easily influenced by noise than the people living in apartments, stores, and one floor houses. 8. The people prosecuting noise sources were easily affected by noise than the people never prosecuting noise. 9. The degree of silence, the level of noise pollution in Taipei, people age, and social economic level could effectively predict the feeling of noise, but the explanation power of these variables merely was 23.4%.
The purpose of this study was to understand the knowledge of harmful noise, the feelings of environmental noise, the proposed controlling behavior toward noise, and the relationship of these variables for the reference of noise preventive education program. The sample was selected from people living or working in the areas of 102 noise measuring spots which had been surveyed by the health education department of National Taiwan Normal University within the second third noise controlling region in accordance with Noise Controlling Rule. The data were collected via interview with the total number of valid questionnaires being 1000. The main findings of this study were: 1. The more noisy period of time from Monday through Saturday was the time of going to work, and of coming back to home. The more noisy period of time on Sunday was distributed on almost any section of the day. 2. The correct rate of harmful noise knowledge was 67.2%, but the correct rate of some noise knowledge was low. 3. The sources of noise were mainly from cars and motorcycles, and these noise had some degree of effect on people's living and working. 4. Most people never accusing noise sources, but small part of people had ever accusing noise sources. The 40.6% of the small part of people indicated that the effectiveness of proposed controlling noise was not good, but the 22.5% of the group of people considered the effectiveness of proposed controlling noise being a little good. 5. The 45.1% of people showed that the strategy of controlling noise executed by Taipei Municipal Environmental Protection Agency was not saatisfactory, but the 28.6% of people was. 6. The people of higher social economic level were easily influenced by noise. 7. The people living in well-equipped buildings were more easily influenced by noise than the people living in apartments, stores, and one floor houses. 8. The people prosecuting noise sources were easily affected by noise than the people never prosecuting noise. 9. The degree of silence, the level of noise pollution in Taipei, people age, and social economic level could effectively predict the feeling of noise, but the explanation power of these variables merely was 23.4%.