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本研究計畫旨在規劃與評估一套以實徵研究為基礎之數位華語學習計畫,整合課程綱要、教學、學習、測驗、國際合作與產學合作等六個層面,以教學、學習與測驗之理論為基礎,透過課程規劃、學習活動設計以及實徵研究評估,建構一個提供學習者以能力為導向的全方位數位華語學習環境。能力導向指的是透過本學習計畫,學習者習得的將是能活用的華語能力,亦即具備情境感知與文化素養之正確使用華語的能力。全方位指的是提供學習者各種風貌的學習環境(同步/非同步、面對面、web 2.0的合作知識建構、及提供e化教材等等),讓學習者可以根據自身的能力、速度、與所處環境等來選擇學習華語的方式。本計畫內容已執行近三年,研究團隊針對建立計畫的學術基礎與設計開發教材與學習工具不遺餘力,亦將於未來一年五個月延續和精進所產出的成果。此計劃之研究成果除了能提升台灣華語數位學習研究之水平,亦將研究成果提供業界研發優質華語數位教材之參考,有效推廣華語學習研究之成果,期待能幫助更多華語學習者學好這當今的潮流語言。
This project aims to design a Competence-Oriented Omniform Learning System for Chinese as a Foreign Language (COOL Chinese for CFL). This is a learner-specific system that produces high-quality Chinese e-learning materials and an accurate online assessment system evaluating Chinese proficiency for worldwide users. The COOL research project integrates six aspects—syllabus, teaching, learning, assessment, cooperation of academic and commerce, and international cooperation—to construct the learning system. Within this framework, the project will consider learners’ Chinese proficiency, individual quality, and cultural context in creating a digital learning environment. It is intended to be theory-praxis founded, adaptive, interactive, and diverse. This project has been previously conducted in a three year project of the same name. In the past two and a half years, the research team continuously focused on building academic credibility through vigorous research while endeavoring to design the needed materials and tools. Our achievements are abundant and groundbreaking, yet in need of enhancements and promotion to attain our objectives in providing omniform learning for worldwide learners of Chinese. Therefore, it is our intention to continue to refine and enrich our establishments as to fulfill our original purpose. So far, we have laid out the CSL Performance Index for establishing a CFL teaching syllabus and developed varieties of CFL learning models, teaching materials, and assessment tools. This Index that pertains to The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is intended for paving the way for future global promotions. To help CFL learners acquire Chinese characters online, The System for Learning Chinese Radicals and Database for Chinese Radical Structural Relations are our two other core developments that are still in progress from which we are building a teaching platform for beginners of Chinese and a Chinese Orthography Database Explorer for radical learning. We also have applied mnemonics and scenario and the effect of meta-knowledge in CFL to multimedia-assisted instruction to create a Hanzi Database and CHEERS: Chinese Hanzi E-learnER System. For advanced cultural understanding, ChineseCAP: Cultural Awareness Platform for Chinese as a Foreign Language provides a wiki-based environment for learners to integrate literal and cultural knowledge. In regards to assessment, the Online Test for Chinese Listening and Reading upon completion has already been used in several national exams as the Automatic Writing Scoring System and the Chinese Oral Training System are underway. The goal of COOL Chinese is to improve and digitalize Chinese teaching/learning materials and assessment systems to help CFL learners across the world learn according to their needs. Learning Chinese can be cool once we promote our research findings and quality materials and tools to the world.
This project aims to design a Competence-Oriented Omniform Learning System for Chinese as a Foreign Language (COOL Chinese for CFL). This is a learner-specific system that produces high-quality Chinese e-learning materials and an accurate online assessment system evaluating Chinese proficiency for worldwide users. The COOL research project integrates six aspects—syllabus, teaching, learning, assessment, cooperation of academic and commerce, and international cooperation—to construct the learning system. Within this framework, the project will consider learners’ Chinese proficiency, individual quality, and cultural context in creating a digital learning environment. It is intended to be theory-praxis founded, adaptive, interactive, and diverse. This project has been previously conducted in a three year project of the same name. In the past two and a half years, the research team continuously focused on building academic credibility through vigorous research while endeavoring to design the needed materials and tools. Our achievements are abundant and groundbreaking, yet in need of enhancements and promotion to attain our objectives in providing omniform learning for worldwide learners of Chinese. Therefore, it is our intention to continue to refine and enrich our establishments as to fulfill our original purpose. So far, we have laid out the CSL Performance Index for establishing a CFL teaching syllabus and developed varieties of CFL learning models, teaching materials, and assessment tools. This Index that pertains to The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is intended for paving the way for future global promotions. To help CFL learners acquire Chinese characters online, The System for Learning Chinese Radicals and Database for Chinese Radical Structural Relations are our two other core developments that are still in progress from which we are building a teaching platform for beginners of Chinese and a Chinese Orthography Database Explorer for radical learning. We also have applied mnemonics and scenario and the effect of meta-knowledge in CFL to multimedia-assisted instruction to create a Hanzi Database and CHEERS: Chinese Hanzi E-learnER System. For advanced cultural understanding, ChineseCAP: Cultural Awareness Platform for Chinese as a Foreign Language provides a wiki-based environment for learners to integrate literal and cultural knowledge. In regards to assessment, the Online Test for Chinese Listening and Reading upon completion has already been used in several national exams as the Automatic Writing Scoring System and the Chinese Oral Training System are underway. The goal of COOL Chinese is to improve and digitalize Chinese teaching/learning materials and assessment systems to help CFL learners across the world learn according to their needs. Learning Chinese can be cool once we promote our research findings and quality materials and tools to the world.