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本文旨在研究臺灣南部六龜試驗林中寮溪水質特性,探討不同季節時溪流的水質變化。中寮溪集水區面積約759ha,平均坡度60%,在下游處設有水文監測站。自1999年1 月起至2000年12月止,每月月初固定至水文監測站調查流量,並取水樣攜回實驗室分析。結果顯示,中寮溪流量豐枯水期變化至為明顯,8月時流量最高,4月初時流量最低,主要受到降雨分佈影響。中寮溪水質偏弱鹼性,陽離子以Ca���尿@度最高,Mg���坐哞a�圻舅均A陰離子則以HCO�婀瓵@度最高,SO�荼滋狾舅均F部份離子濃度有明顯的季節性變化,主要受到流量多寡的影響,其中電導度、pH、Na�均BCa���均BMg���均BSO�荼滋狺咠CO�婀珛氐髐l濃度與流量成負相關,隨著流量增加而減少;但懸浮質及全氮量則與流量成正相關,隨著流量增加而增加,其他離子如K�均BF�牷BCl�牷BNH���坐哞O�婀珛正@度並無顯著的季節性變化。 中寮溪水質資料除有助於森林生態系研究外,亦可作為環境監測之用。
The purpose of this paper was to understand the characteristics of water quality in the Liukuei Experimental Forest in southern Taiwan. Seasonal variation of water quality was also studied. A hydrologic monitoring station was established in the study area, Chungliao Greek watershed with 759 ha and an average slope of 60%. From 1999 to 2000, discharge and water samples were measured and analyzed monthly. Results showed that discharge varied with months, and streamwater chemistry was seasonally related to discharge. The streamwater was weak alkalinity. Highest concentration of cations was Ca ����, and the next was Mg ����. Highest concentration of anions was HCO �婀�, and the next was SO�荼滋�. Conductivity, pH, concentrations of Na ��, Ca ����, Mg ����, SO �荼滋�, and HCO �婀� in steamwater decreased with the increase of discharge. Suspended load and total nitrogen were increased with the increase of discharge. However, concentrations of K �均B F �牷B Cl �牷B NH ����, and NO �婀� were not obviously related with discharge. Data of streamwater quality are useful not only for forest ecosystem research, but also for environmental monitoring.
The purpose of this paper was to understand the characteristics of water quality in the Liukuei Experimental Forest in southern Taiwan. Seasonal variation of water quality was also studied. A hydrologic monitoring station was established in the study area, Chungliao Greek watershed with 759 ha and an average slope of 60%. From 1999 to 2000, discharge and water samples were measured and analyzed monthly. Results showed that discharge varied with months, and streamwater chemistry was seasonally related to discharge. The streamwater was weak alkalinity. Highest concentration of cations was Ca ����, and the next was Mg ����. Highest concentration of anions was HCO �婀�, and the next was SO�荼滋�. Conductivity, pH, concentrations of Na ��, Ca ����, Mg ����, SO �荼滋�, and HCO �婀� in steamwater decreased with the increase of discharge. Suspended load and total nitrogen were increased with the increase of discharge. However, concentrations of K �均B F �牷B Cl �牷B NH ����, and NO �婀� were not obviously related with discharge. Data of streamwater quality are useful not only for forest ecosystem research, but also for environmental monitoring.