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本研究旨在設計使學生於多點觸控支援合作設計式學習(Multi-touch Enhanced Collaborative Design-based Learning,M-T CDBL)中能順利互動之合作腳本,稱為M-T CDBL合作腳本。以凱利方格法擷取八位具資訊教育背景之教育工作者關於MTCDBL合作腳本作法的知識,以八個由受訪者撰寫之M-T CDBL合作腳本案例為元素,透過個別訪談共引出106項個人構念,分析後得38個合併構念,可依工作階段不同分為澄清問題、蒐集資料、發展想法、建構作品、檢討反思、發表作品、再次修正、整體活動八階段,再依合作腳本內容分為分工、個人、子小組、小組、組間五類。本研究依據合併構念提出M-T CDBL合作腳本,並建議使用出現頻率較高的合作腳本作法,如於蒐集資料階段讓學生分工蒐集資料、於發展想法階段讓學生個別發展想法、分工發展想法等。本研究進一步將M-T CDBL合作腳本實作於系統中,建置一合作腳本模組,提供合作腳本說明、分工、安排角色、安排發言順序、以及多數決功能。
The aim of this study was to develop a collaboration script for Multi-touch Enhanced Collaborative Design-based Learning (M-T CDBL), named “M-T CDBL collaboration script.” Eight well-experienced teachers, either on research or practice, were invited to participate in this study. The repertory grid technique was used to elicit participants’ constructs about the content of the M-T CDBL collaboration script. By analyzing participants’ consensus grid, the M-T CDBL collaboration script was developed, which is divided into 8 phases and each phase include 5 classes. A total of 38 scripts were identified.
The aim of this study was to develop a collaboration script for Multi-touch Enhanced Collaborative Design-based Learning (M-T CDBL), named “M-T CDBL collaboration script.” Eight well-experienced teachers, either on research or practice, were invited to participate in this study. The repertory grid technique was used to elicit participants’ constructs about the content of the M-T CDBL collaboration script. By analyzing participants’ consensus grid, the M-T CDBL collaboration script was developed, which is divided into 8 phases and each phase include 5 classes. A total of 38 scripts were identified.
多點觸控科技, 設計式學習, 合作腳本, 凱利方格法, multi-touch, design-based learning, collaboration script, repertory grid technique