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近年來食安事件頻傳,為了讓食品資訊透明化,政府積極推動溯源食材相關計畫,然而,消費者對於溯源食材的瞭解仍然有限。「巧推」為運用適度誘因、鼓勵或提醒等方式,在不限制個人選擇自由的情況下改變人的想法與行為。據此,本研究擬運用巧推理論,透過創意菜單/小卡的設計,評估不同的介入方式對於提升顧客溯源食材認知的成效。本研究為準實驗研究設計,以隨機分派方式,將三間連鎖早餐店分為「控制組」、「傳統介入組」及「巧推介入組」,並於2020年10月至11月間,進行前測、介入及後測。前、後測等量性資料利用SPSS 23.0進行平均數、標準差、獨立樣本T檢定分析。本研究之主要發現如下: (1) 巧推介入組 (溯源食材小卡) 能顯著提升顧客對於溯源食材的認知。(2) 傳統介入組 (溯源食材菜單) 對於顧客的溯源食材認知並沒有顯著的影響。(3) 控制組 (無介入) 的顧客對於溯源食材的認知則有顯著的下降。本研究建議餐飲業者未來可運用巧推的方式,提升顧客對於溯源食材的認知,進而影響其食物選擇,達到食品安心消費的目標。
With increasing number of food safety incidents in Taiwan, the government is promoting the related projects of sourced food, in order to provide clear food information to consumers. However, most consumers may not clearly understand the concept of sourced food. Nudge is a strategy using positive reinforcement and indirect suggestions as ways to change the individuals’ decision-making and behavior. Based on Nudge theory, this study designed an innovative menu / card to assess the effectiveness of different intervention strategies on increasing the customers’ awareness of sourced food. This study used a quasi-experimental design and three chain breakfast restaurants were randomly assigned into three groups: “control group”, “traditional intervention group” and “nudge-based intervention group”. Pre-test, intervention, and post-test were conducted during October and November 2020. Descriptive statistics and independent t test were performed using SPSS 23.0. The main findings of this study were (1) Nudge-based intervention showed a significant increase on the awareness of sourced food. (2) Traditional intervention showed no significant differences on the awareness of sourced food. (3) Control group showed a significant decrease on the awareness of sourced food. This study suggests that nudge could be considered as an effective strategy to promote customers’ awareness of sourced food, achieving the goal of safety food consumption.



輕推, 溯源餐廳, 食品安全, nudge, sourced restaurant, food security





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