dc.contributor | 國立臺灣師範大學公民教育與活動領導學系 | zh_tw |
dc.contributor.author | 劉秀嫚 | zh_tw |
dc.date.accessioned | 2014-12-02T06:41:01Z | |
dc.date.available | 2014-12-02T06:41:01Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2006-12-01 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | 本研究目的在瞭解「公民養成方案」於國中社會學習領域的實施及其對國中生公民發展之影響。為達研究目的,本研究採不等組前後測準實驗設計,選擇臺北市某公立國中兩個八年級的班級作為研究對象。並以「國中生公民發展問卷」所得量化資料,輔以半結構訪談與觀察等質性資料,了解「公民養成方案」在個案班級的實施情形及教學成效。根據結果,本研究獲致以下結論: (一)「公民養成方案」對國中生公民發展的實施成效: 1.在公民知識方面,參與「公民養成方案」的學生,並未顯著優於未接受「公民養成方案」的控制組學生。 2.在公民性方面,參與「公民養成方案」的學生,顯著優於未接受「公民養成方案」的控制組學生。 3.在公民技能方面,參與「公民養成方案」的學生,顯著優於未接受「公民養成方案」的控制組學生。 (二)教師對實施「公民養成方案」教學的評價: 1.實驗教師對「公民養成方案」持積極正向的態度。 2.實驗教師於教學過程中遭遇如升學考試壓力、教學時間限制、學生能力與合作學習成效不彰的困境。 (三)學生對實施「公民養成方案」教學的評價 1.大部分學生對「公民養成方案」亦持正面態度。 2.大部分學生認為所遇到的最大挑戰為組内分工不均、時間壓力、國中基測的升學壓力等。 | zh_tw |
dc.description.abstract | The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to understand the implementation of Project Citizen in Social Studies, to evaluate its effects upon the civic development of junior high school students, and to document the teacher's and students' perceptions of Project Citizen. Two classes of 8th graders, one experimental and one comparison, participated in this study. The results showed that students participating in project Citizen significantly outperformed students in the comparison group in civic dispositions and skills. Additionally, qualitative analyses of the interview revealed that the participating teacher and students responded positively toward the P4roject Citizen program. The teacher also expressed interest in implementing the program again in her classes. It also suggested, however, that unequal distribution of responsibility, time constraints, and pressure from the Basic Competence Test for Junior high School students (BC Test), among other factors, pose significant challenges to implementing/learning Project Citizen in the junior high school context. | en_US |
dc.description.uri | http://readopac1.ncl.edu.tw/nclJournal/search/detail.jsp?sysId=0005979271&dtdId=000040&search_type=detail&la=ch&checked=0120005466106,&unchecked=0010006678481,0020005979271,0030004809781,0040004792570,0050004716186,0060004715343,0070005617589,0080005581628,0090005545361,0100005531363,0110005485227,0130005227326,0140004212708, | zh_TW |
dc.identifier | ntnulib_tp_A0411_01_012 | zh_TW |
dc.identifier.issn | 1819-8309 | zh_TW |
dc.identifier.uri | http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/42024 | |
dc.language | en_US | zh_TW |
dc.publisher | 國立彰化師範大學教育研究所 | zh_tw |
dc.relation | 彰化師大教育學報,10,97-130。(NSC922413-H-003-034) | zh_tw |
dc.subject.other | 公民養成方案 | zh_tw |
dc.subject.other | 公民發展 | zh_tw |
dc.subject.other | 公民知識 | zh_tw |
dc.subject.other | 公民性 | zh_tw |
dc.subject.other | 公民技能 | zh_tw |
dc.subject.other | We the people...project citizen | en_US |
dc.subject.other | Civic development | en_US |
dc.subject.other | Civic knowledge | en_US |
dc.subject.other | Civic dispositions | en_US |
dc.subject.other | Civic skills | en_US |
dc.title | 「公民養成方案」在國中社會學習領域的實施與成效 | zh_tw |
dc.title | The Process and Effect of Implementing We the People...Project Citizen in Junior High School Social Studies | en_US |