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本論文主要研究之目的是改良輪型機器人的定位與路徑規畫演算法。在定位 方面,本論文克服定點定位、路徑追蹤與機器人綁架所面臨之問題,並且提出了基於向量模型的改良式蒙地卡羅定位演算法。具體的改善措施包含以下內容:第一,引入離散形式的輪型機器人運動模型進行動態更新;第二,以向量模型取代柵格地圖,解決定位的解析度問題;第三,除了使用競爭法與菁英保留策略外,在重新採樣的程序中引入了粒子變異機制,其變異程度由當前粒子的分佈情形決定,使演算法可以保持指數地收斂;最後,粒子重新分佈的機制亦被納入演算法中,使得演算法具備更佳的強健性針對定位失敗與綁架問題。在路徑規劃方面,本論文將A*演算法建立於向量地圖中,使用地圖中的角點為此演算法內的節點,藉以改善在A*演算法面臨移動方向限制的困擾與大量轉折點的問題。為使上述方法可行,本文修改A*演算法流程並加入判別節點間移動可行性的函數,只有獲得許可的路徑會被納入花費函數的考量以確保能正確地規劃路徑。為避免路徑過於靠近障礙物而發生碰撞,本文引入影像侵蝕方法去除過於接近障礙物的區域,使機器人在移動過程中能與障礙物保持適當距離。此外,本文亦加入一項路徑圓弧優化方法讓路徑更為平順,使機器人以弧型移動通過各節點而降低整體移動花費時間。整體而言,本論文的定位演算法可以更有效率地提供機器人定位結果, 提供的路徑能在最短路徑與避障能力上保持良好的平衡,並使機器人除了避障外亦能快速到達終點。
The main purpose of research is to improve the localization performance and result of path planning of wheeled mobile robot. In the area of localization, we solve the problems from localization, path tracking and robot kidnapped, and propose an improved Monte Carlo localization based on vector model. The specific improvements of the method are as follows: First, we include the discrete kinematic model of wheeled mobile robot in prediction process. Second, use vector model instead of bitmap to solve the resolution problem. Third, not only tournament selection and elitism, but also variation mechanism are used in the resampling process. The extent of Variation is decided by distribution of particles. Last, the re-initialize process is added into the algorithm, so that the system can be more robust and better to robot kidnapped problem. In the area of path planning, we include A* algorithm into vector model instead of traditional bitmap, and use the corners as nodes in A* algorithm to solve the limited of orientation of robot problem, and reduce the amount of turning points. To do this, we modify the process of A* algorithm and add the function that checks particles are moveable or not. Only pass particles can be considered into cost function. To avoid collision, we include the image erosion to remove the area which is too close to obstacles, so there is enough distance between robot and obstacles. In addition, path smoothing process is added into the algorithm to get smoother path after planning, so that the robot can pass through all nodes more efficiently. Overall, our research can let the localization algorithm be with more efficacy, and plan a path with good balance in shortest path and avoidance ability, so the robot can move quickly and stably to the goal.



蒙地卡羅定位法, A*演算法, 地圖向量化, Monte Carlo localization, A* algorithm, map vectorization





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