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National Taiwan Normal University


本研究旨在探討各職級(正、副、助理教授)大學教師其主持研發計畫數(非營利、校內、產學、政府、跨校)對研究產能(研討會、學術期刊論文數)之預測模型。研究資料採用南部一所私立醫學大學於2006-2015 年共10 年期間之教師人事資料,串接該校之校務資料庫中與本研究相關之變項,並採用描述性統計、階層迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析。主要研究結果如下:一、各職級教師均以主持政府計畫為主,但其他類計畫數與研究產能表現不盡相同;二、總體上,職級高者主持計畫數多,也正向預測研究產能;三、年輕但職級高者有較高的校內、政府與跨校計畫數和研究產能;四、不同職級教師的期刊論文發表途徑各異,正教授學術產出模式最靈活多元。本研究提出大學組織、教師個人策略規劃之建議;同時,優化校務資料蒐集有益進一步分析,以期掌握研究產能趨勢,降低大學教師職能落差。
This study modeled the relationship between types of research funding and faculty research productivity. Utilizing faculty data between 2006 and 2015 and matching with variables of interest in the institutional data system of a private medical university in Southern Taiwan, this IRB-approved study employed hierarchical regression analyses to test the assumption that types of research funding affected research productivity in numbers of publications and conference papers. The results confirmed that funding sources significantly affected faculty research productivity. Specifically, we found the following: (1) governmental programs were the most effective funding resources, and faculty performance varied across academic ranks; (2) a higher rank was correlated with more funded projects, which positively predicted research productivity; (3) younger faculty with a higher academic rank, however, outperformed others in numbers of funded projects and publications; and (4) full professors had the most diverse and sophisticated strategies regarding academic productivity in numbers of funded projects and publications. Suggestions are made herein for appropriate institutional changes and individual strategies for career advancement. A more sophisticated data collection strategy should be established to monitor trends in faculty productivity and to close the gap between the faculty capacity and job demands.






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