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學術研究者所查詢到的相關資訊,往往在一段時間後,仍有再利用的需求與價值。本研 究初步針對學術性資訊及其使用者之檢索需求為範疇,以實驗、訪談、檢索記錄分析、序列分 析、觀察等方法,分析學術性資訊使用者之尋獲與再尋獲資訊之檢索行為特性。整體而言,不 論尋獲或再尋獲階段,受試者所輸入的檢索語句都十分簡短。受試者在資訊尋獲階段,會輸入 較多數量的檢索詞彙,更動檢索語句的頻率較高,也瀏覽較多頁數,停留時間也較長;而再 尋獲階段,多會透過其它輔助功能如歷史紀錄,來查找資訊尋獲階段的相關資訊,較少重新查 詢,同時所瀏覽頁數及停留時間皆相對較少、較短。簡言之,受試者於尋獲階段與檢索系統互 動較高,而於再尋獲階段,則增加了個人資訊管理工具的運用。就再尋獲的情境線索,受試者 較少使用目標物本身所提供資訊,反而較常使用間接線索,特別是地點相關資訊。亦即引導使 用者至目標資訊的導航點,是輔助使用者再尋獲的重要工具。此外,再尋獲之檢索行為轉換相 較於尋獲階段也要來得複雜。網路資訊尋獲與再尋獲行為研究是一相當重要且新穎的研究主題,本研究結果除提供資訊再尋獲行為相關研究之參考,同時也有助發展支援使用者個人學術資訊管理系統之設計依據。
Academic researchers often need and re-use relevant information found after a period of time. This preliminary study used various methods, including experiments, interviews, search log analysis, sequential analysis, and observation to investigate characteristics of academic information finding and re-finding behavior. Overall, the participants in this study entered short queries either in finding or refinding phases. Comparatively speaking, the participants entered greater number of queries, modified more queries, browsed more web pages, and stayed longer on web pages in the finding phase. On the other hand, in the re-finding phase, they utilized personal information management tools to refind instead of finding again using search engine, such as checking browsing history; moreover, they tend to input less number of queries and stayed shorter on web pages. In short, the participants interacted more with the retrieval system during the finding phase, while they increased the use of personal information management tools in the re-finding phase. As to the contextual clues used in refinding phase, the participants used less clues from the target itself, instead, they used indirect clues more often, especially location-related information. Based on the results of sequential analysis, the transition states in the re-finding phase was found to be more complex than those in the finding phase. Web information finding and re-finding behavior is an important and novel area of research. The preliminary results would benefit research on Web information re-finding behavior, and provide useful suggestions for developing personal academic information management systems.
Academic researchers often need and re-use relevant information found after a period of time. This preliminary study used various methods, including experiments, interviews, search log analysis, sequential analysis, and observation to investigate characteristics of academic information finding and re-finding behavior. Overall, the participants in this study entered short queries either in finding or refinding phases. Comparatively speaking, the participants entered greater number of queries, modified more queries, browsed more web pages, and stayed longer on web pages in the finding phase. On the other hand, in the re-finding phase, they utilized personal information management tools to refind instead of finding again using search engine, such as checking browsing history; moreover, they tend to input less number of queries and stayed shorter on web pages. In short, the participants interacted more with the retrieval system during the finding phase, while they increased the use of personal information management tools in the re-finding phase. As to the contextual clues used in refinding phase, the participants used less clues from the target itself, instead, they used indirect clues more often, especially location-related information. Based on the results of sequential analysis, the transition states in the re-finding phase was found to be more complex than those in the finding phase. Web information finding and re-finding behavior is an important and novel area of research. The preliminary results would benefit research on Web information re-finding behavior, and provide useful suggestions for developing personal academic information management systems.