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農民市集主要的特色是在地生產,由農民直接販售農產品予消費者。因此, 它是一個具地方文化、環境與農業特色的農產品銷售市場,提供農民與消費者面 對面的溝通機會,並無盤商存在於生產與消費的網絡上。農民市集的出現反映出 一定的消費者偏好以及對環保、健康與安全等論述的回應,也是生產者直接獲得 零售價格的市場。在全球化下,它亦展現出地方回應農業全球化的另類發展策略。 台灣近年在主要的都會區都出現了農民市集,販售在地生產的有機或認證之 農產品。但是這些農民市集的出現呈現出某些地方差異與地方特性。本研究以台 北與台中兩個都會區的農民市集為個案,探討農民市集的生產鏈、品質治理以及 關係空間的形成過程。本研究希望透過對個案的探索。了解農民市集的制度架 構、市場機制與消費偏好,提出台灣面對農業全球化的另類農業發展策略。
With the characteristic of local production, farmers sell their produce directly to consumers at farmers’ market. As a result, it is a market with local culture, and of environmental and agricultural characteristics. In addition, farmers and consumers have face-to-face opportunities to communicate with each other and there is no room for wholesalers at farmers’ market. Farmers’ market presents the fact that some consumers prefer environmental-friendly, healthy and safe agricultural goods. Meanwhile, farmers are able to gain retailer prices at farmers’ market . It also acts as an alternative strategy of development in the era of globalization. There appears farmers’ market in metropolitan areas in Taiwan recently, selling local organic or certified agricultural goods. However, the farmers’ markets are with different local distinctness. Taking case study of farmers’ market in Taipei and Taichung separately, the study aims to explore the commodity chain, quality governance and relational places of farmers’ market. With the case studies, the study would like to know more about the institutional frameworks, market mechanism and consumers’ preferences of the farmers’ market. Hopefully, an alternative strategy of agricultural development would be achieved as a result.
With the characteristic of local production, farmers sell their produce directly to consumers at farmers’ market. As a result, it is a market with local culture, and of environmental and agricultural characteristics. In addition, farmers and consumers have face-to-face opportunities to communicate with each other and there is no room for wholesalers at farmers’ market. Farmers’ market presents the fact that some consumers prefer environmental-friendly, healthy and safe agricultural goods. Meanwhile, farmers are able to gain retailer prices at farmers’ market . It also acts as an alternative strategy of development in the era of globalization. There appears farmers’ market in metropolitan areas in Taiwan recently, selling local organic or certified agricultural goods. However, the farmers’ markets are with different local distinctness. Taking case study of farmers’ market in Taipei and Taichung separately, the study aims to explore the commodity chain, quality governance and relational places of farmers’ market. With the case studies, the study would like to know more about the institutional frameworks, market mechanism and consumers’ preferences of the farmers’ market. Hopefully, an alternative strategy of agricultural development would be achieved as a result.