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本研究旨在探討家長對選擇兒童課後照顧服務中心要素的需求現況。以問卷調查就讀愛德華學苑全體學童的家長為對象,運用通訊軟體LINE和簡訊傳SurveyCake線上問卷調查表予家長共100份,得回收率100%,有效問卷100份。並將所得資料以描述統計方法進行分析,獲致結果如下:一、 家長將孩子送托課後照顧服務中心主要為上班無法照顧學童,最多家長是透過他人介紹得知愛德華學苑,最後選擇送來是因為優良師資且與家長保持良好的互動。二、 多數家長並不很清楚安親班與補習班所提供教育服務內容的差別。而最希望園所改善的地方是多加強學生品格教育。且學生父親的托育滿意度高於母親的托育滿意度且年齡越高其托育滿意度也是越高。
三、 多數家長接受如果時間不夠,在安親班先完成當日作業就好,改天再輔導。家長重視課室環境規劃安全舒適與老師對於學童的安全有高度警覺性。
四、 家長認為安親班會考量現代教育需求與方向,設計適合的課程與教學最重要。對於寒暑假的課程設計希望增加操作課程如科學實驗課程等。而且非常需要設有圖書區並提供多元圖書室。除了現有的美語課程外,最想再增加作文課程。
五、 家長對於安親班設有自己的廚房供應午餐與點心都認為在選擇安親班時有加分。並最重視有專用高溫殺菌設備,且餐具存放於有防止病媒進入之櫥櫃。
六、 大部分的家長認為孩子不能偏食,餐飲都要吃完。而在園所對於疾病照顧與事故處理中,其最重視的是教職員工明確知道緊急事故處理流程及聯絡網。
This study aims to explore the parents’ current needs in selecting after-school care service centers for their children. The object of survey was targeted at parents whose children are studying in Edward Academy. A total of 100 copies of the SurveyCake online questionnaires were sent to the parents by using the communication software LINE and SMS. We got a 100% response rate, and that meant all the responses were valid. We obtained information that was analyzed by descriptive statistical methods, and the results were as followings:1. Parents send their children to the after-school child care service centers mainly because they can’t take care of their children while at work. Most parents learn about Edward Academy through word of mouth and decide to send their children to Edward Academy due to our excellent teachers and the teachers’ good interaction with the parents.2. Most parents are not very clear about the differences of the educational services between the parent-care classes and the cram schools. They hope us to enhance on educating the students’ character the most. As to the parents’ satisfaction to our service that fathers are more satisfied than mothers; and the satisfaction is greater when the parents’ ages are older.3. Most parents realize that if there is not enough time, it is higher priority to let the children complete their homework on that day in the after-school child care service centers, and then study relevant lessons on the other day. The environment of the classroom should be safe and comfortable; and the teacher should be highly alert to the students’ safety. This is what parents care about the most.4. Parents believe that the after-school child care service centers should consider the needs and the policy of modern education, and thus to design suitable courses. Moreover, we consider teacher’s teaching skill is a key to success. In the curriculum of winter and summer vacations, we design operational courses such as scientific experiment course. In this course, teachers play a role as instructor as well as peer-learner. In addition to the existed American language courses, we want to add a literature& writing course. Therefore, it is necessary to have a public area as the library to provide multiple learning. 5. Parents consider that the after-school child care service centers should have its own kitchen to provide lunch and snacks. They think that it is a great benefit if the students can have safe and nutritious meals. With such a concern, to have special high-temperature sterilization equipment, and the tableware stored in a cabinet to prevent from bacteria are very important. 6. Most parents think that children should not be picky eaters, and so that the food must be eaten. As to the nursery’s care and accident handling, it is very important that the all staff clearly know about the procedures when emergency occurs.
This study aims to explore the parents’ current needs in selecting after-school care service centers for their children. The object of survey was targeted at parents whose children are studying in Edward Academy. A total of 100 copies of the SurveyCake online questionnaires were sent to the parents by using the communication software LINE and SMS. We got a 100% response rate, and that meant all the responses were valid. We obtained information that was analyzed by descriptive statistical methods, and the results were as followings:1. Parents send their children to the after-school child care service centers mainly because they can’t take care of their children while at work. Most parents learn about Edward Academy through word of mouth and decide to send their children to Edward Academy due to our excellent teachers and the teachers’ good interaction with the parents.2. Most parents are not very clear about the differences of the educational services between the parent-care classes and the cram schools. They hope us to enhance on educating the students’ character the most. As to the parents’ satisfaction to our service that fathers are more satisfied than mothers; and the satisfaction is greater when the parents’ ages are older.3. Most parents realize that if there is not enough time, it is higher priority to let the children complete their homework on that day in the after-school child care service centers, and then study relevant lessons on the other day. The environment of the classroom should be safe and comfortable; and the teacher should be highly alert to the students’ safety. This is what parents care about the most.4. Parents believe that the after-school child care service centers should consider the needs and the policy of modern education, and thus to design suitable courses. Moreover, we consider teacher’s teaching skill is a key to success. In the curriculum of winter and summer vacations, we design operational courses such as scientific experiment course. In this course, teachers play a role as instructor as well as peer-learner. In addition to the existed American language courses, we want to add a literature& writing course. Therefore, it is necessary to have a public area as the library to provide multiple learning. 5. Parents consider that the after-school child care service centers should have its own kitchen to provide lunch and snacks. They think that it is a great benefit if the students can have safe and nutritious meals. With such a concern, to have special high-temperature sterilization equipment, and the tableware stored in a cabinet to prevent from bacteria are very important. 6. Most parents think that children should not be picky eaters, and so that the food must be eaten. As to the nursery’s care and accident handling, it is very important that the all staff clearly know about the procedures when emergency occurs.
安親班, 兒童課後照顧服務, 兒童課後托育中心, 安親課輔, 學齡兒童補習班, day care center, after-school class, after-school child care, childcare center, after school program, cram school