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植物觀賞課程應該是戶外教學的一環,所以必須讓學生在戶外教學的環境中直接的觀察、體驗、學習,才能真正的辨識和認知植物,但也要克服在戶外教學的環境中同學有高昂的興趣卻容易被周遭的環境吸引,無法保持敏銳的觀察力的問題,才能達到良好的學習效果。 從研究中發現學童缺乏生活中實際的體驗與觀察,所以在植物的辨識和認知上,出現學習的困難。然而在我國國中七年級現階段對植物認知的某些觀察上,反而有明顯的倒退現象,如國中生對子葉回答正確的人數就不如國小六年級學生,但是國內卻很少做此類研究,特別是在有關於國中植物觀察能力建立的教學。 行動載具可以幫忙使用者深度學習,故本研究依據行動載具相關理論以及戶外教學設計原則實作一植物觀賞學習系統軟體,並欲經由實驗探討此軟體對國中七年級學生植物觀賞能力及植物學習成就之促進效果以及學生運用行動載具之植物觀賞學習系統後,對在戶外教學植物觀賞課程時的態度。我們用前、後測的資料與問卷調查的資料,來分析此教學模式是否能促進學生植物觀察能力。並在教學後對學生實施選擇式的問卷調查。結果顯示學生在植物觀賞能力、學習成就方面有促進效果;參與實驗的學生對本研究所開發之植物觀賞學習系統在戶外植物觀賞課程表現出正向的態度。
Due to the lack of the experience about observing plants, students will encounter the difficulties in learning plants when they are asked to recognize them. There is a great decline in the ability of recognizing plants for the seventh grade students in Taiwan. For example, the number of junior high school students who knows what the cotyledon is is much less than the number of elementary school students. However, there is little research in teaching about enhancing the abilities in observing plants. The research is to develop a learning system program with the theories of mobile equipment and outdoor instruction. The aim is to explore the effectiveness of application of this program as well as the motivation and performance of grade 7 students in learning plants. By means of pre-test, post-test and questionnaires, we analyze whether the instruction model can enhance the abilities in observing plants. A questionnaire after instruction is used to analyze the acceptability of applying the plant observing system and whether the program could promote the motive of learning. The result shows that students can make much progress in the abilities of observing plants and performance of learning.



行動載具, 戶外教學, 植物觀察, Mobil device, Outdoor learning, Plant observation





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