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美國國家經濟學教育委員會(NCEE)認為在學校中增強與加廣個人理財教育的需要是仍是急迫的(remain urgent),對建立一個擁有深謀遠慮的投資者和儲蓄者、有見識的消費者、高效率的勞動力、負責任公民和全球經濟有效參與者的國家是至關重要。理財能力是一種綜合能力,理財者不僅需要有良好的分析判斷能力,還要具有良好的管理能力、創新能力、計算能力等,理財教育實際上是提升學生綜合能力的一種教育活動。我國教育應該提供學生正確的理財方法、形成良好的理財習慣,也包含著品德教育的內容。 大學非商業類科學生畢業後於社會上將立即面臨理財相關問題,應該是最需要接受理財課程的一批學生,理財知能對他們有其急迫性(Alhabeeb, 1999; Klemme, 2002)。國內應及早建構適合本國國情的大學非商業類科學生理財課程。本研究期望能設計理財量表,充分瞭解學生理財知識,同時建立適切的大學理財課程綱要,編寫合宜的教材與活動,推行於大學校園中。本研究以認知彈性(cognitive flexibility)、情境認知(situated cognition)與案例教學教育原理,來發展理財素養課程。透過理財教育課綱,建立學生應學習的基礎與進階課程,供學校與教育學術機構參考。在準實驗架構下,除了共變異分析外,並利用典型與SEM模式,觀察基本知能、理財素養與理財參與三者之因果關係。
NCEE believe that the need to strengthen, expand and enhance education in personal finance in a nation’s schools remains urgent, such program is important for a country because the young can be educated to become the investor and saver thought deeply and plan careful, well-educated consumer, worker of the high productivity, responsible citizen, effective participant of global economy. Financial literacy is a kind of synthetic capability, person who can properly and successfully do money matters not merely need good analysis ability, and will have good financial ability in management , innovation and accounting. It is necessary to establish a consistent financial curriculum to teach students to understand the exact financing method, form the good financing habit with the content of good character College students of non- commercial department face the relevant financial problems immediately after graduating, they need to understand financial knowledge and skills course most , there is an urgent need to improve their financial literacy in order to better integrate them, not just into the financial system, but also the economy as a whole (Alhabeeb, 1999; Klemme, 2002). Certainly it is necessary to construct suitable financial course with the domestic social-economic conditions. This research expects to design the financial questionnaire, which can be used to well understand the financial knowledge of the student, meanwhile establish the appropriate financial curriculum standards, provide the teaching and activities material. This research also develop the specific and formal knowledge and skills that the learners needed, with cognitive flexibility ,develop situated cognition and education principle of case teaching. Through the financial education standards, two kind of core and advanced widely degree content are written up, which can become a teaching model for academic organization and authorities. Besides making a ANCOVA analysis, we utilize canonical model and SEM to find out the causality among basic knowledge ,financial literacy and financing participation.
NCEE believe that the need to strengthen, expand and enhance education in personal finance in a nation’s schools remains urgent, such program is important for a country because the young can be educated to become the investor and saver thought deeply and plan careful, well-educated consumer, worker of the high productivity, responsible citizen, effective participant of global economy. Financial literacy is a kind of synthetic capability, person who can properly and successfully do money matters not merely need good analysis ability, and will have good financial ability in management , innovation and accounting. It is necessary to establish a consistent financial curriculum to teach students to understand the exact financing method, form the good financing habit with the content of good character College students of non- commercial department face the relevant financial problems immediately after graduating, they need to understand financial knowledge and skills course most , there is an urgent need to improve their financial literacy in order to better integrate them, not just into the financial system, but also the economy as a whole (Alhabeeb, 1999; Klemme, 2002). Certainly it is necessary to construct suitable financial course with the domestic social-economic conditions. This research expects to design the financial questionnaire, which can be used to well understand the financial knowledge of the student, meanwhile establish the appropriate financial curriculum standards, provide the teaching and activities material. This research also develop the specific and formal knowledge and skills that the learners needed, with cognitive flexibility ,develop situated cognition and education principle of case teaching. Through the financial education standards, two kind of core and advanced widely degree content are written up, which can become a teaching model for academic organization and authorities. Besides making a ANCOVA analysis, we utilize canonical model and SEM to find out the causality among basic knowledge ,financial literacy and financing participation.