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因應近年來全球氣候變化、自然資源耗竭等現象,人類對於節能減碳的環保意識逐漸提高,旅遊業所致之二氧化碳排放量約佔全球總排放量的5%以上,然而相關研究少重視旅遊與氣候變遷之關係。由於遊客在交通運輸、住宿、餐飲及消費等旅遊行為可能造成個人二氧化碳之總排放量升高,因此必須說服人們改變其旅遊行為以善待我們的環境。環境行為研究中,學者們認為計畫行為理論能提供研究者預測遊客從事觀光旅遊活動時,對環境的可能影響行為,進而在其行為之前有所預防與宣導。本研究為二年期計畫,以計畫行為理論分別建構消費者 (需求面)與業者 (供給面)對低碳旅遊行為意向結構模式,並檢驗模式中各信念與態度、主觀規範、知覺行為控制能否預測低碳旅遊行為意向,另分別探討不同基本屬性、個人碳足跡之遊客在結構模式中是否有顯著差異,及不同業別之旅遊從業者對結構模式內變項是否有顯著差異。本研究以結構方程式分析(SEM)檢驗低碳旅遊行為意向模式之潛在變項其影響情形,並以t檢定、單因子變異數分析進行不同遊客與業者的基本屬性在模式內變項之差異分析。並整合二年期成果以提出低碳旅遊政策建議。本研究之研究成果可供未來低碳旅遊行為的政策實施與教育宣導層面做為參考,針對不同遊客在個人生活中的碳足跡與基本屬性情形,給予更多的協助與低碳旅遊選擇。
Recently global climate change and natural resource shortage have brought people's attention on environmental issues and reduction carbon emission. Tourism produce more than 5% of the total global carbon dioxide, but less studies have focus on the relationship of tourism and climate change. The transportation, consumption and tourists’ behavior may cause the increase of total emissions and carbon dioxide. Therefore, it is necessary change travel behavior and care of the environment. From environmental behavior studies, scholars believed the theory of planned behavior provides researchers the measurement to predict tourist activities and behaviors that may affect the environment, thus visitors need to be informed and guided to avoid effectible behaviors. This research is a two sessions plan, which analyzes the low carbon tourism on the consumers (demand sector) and travel agents (supply sector), The purposes of this study are (1) Using the Theory of Planned Behavior structural model and examination models of various beliefs and attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavior control to examine low-carbon travel behavior intentions; (2) To compare the carbon footprints of different individuals in the structural model if there are significant differences; (3) Individual attribute of visitors, and travel agents in the model variables if there are significant differences. In this study, structural equation analysis(SEM)is conducted to examine potential effect of low-carbon behavior intention model on latent variable, and to compare the differences of carbon footprints in the structure of model. T test analysis, one way ANOVA analysis of individual attribute from different tourists and travel agents are carried out to test the significant differences. Recommendations are provided by finalizing the outcome of two-year study to initiate the low-carbon tourism policy. This study is valuable for suggesting future implementation of policies and educations of low-carbon travel behavior, hence to provide more low-carbon travel options for different visitors and travel agents.







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