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食物資源為我國消費物質中重要的一環,為人類基本物資需求之一。而其相關生 產、加工、處理、運輸、消費、最終處置之模式與型態,深深影響人類循環型社會之 建構,更可反映出其與永續生活理想模式之差距。因此,歐美先進國家近幾年十分重 視食物資源產製物質流之相關研究,企圖瞭解人類日常攝食之基本食物資源產製過程 所消耗之環境成本,同時發覺不永續、未達生態效率的環節,以謀求產製流程與技術 之改進,進而提升整體生態效率,朝向更為永續之食物資源生產、供應、消費模式。 然而,我國仍缺乏基礎食物資源物質流之相關研究,適合本土使用之評估方法與 技術仍待開發,相關評估架構與系統仍待探討。因此,本研究選擇國人主要糧食:稻 米為例,探討台灣此一關鍵糧食產業產製過程之物質流以及相關環境與健康衝擊分 析。計畫第一、二年已完成稻米生產田間資料之盤查與收集,已建立我國水稻田能源 流、水資源流、肥料物質流與農藥物質流。第三年(本年度)則將進行有機農法和一 般化學農法的環境與健康衝擊比較分析。同時利用前面所建立之量化資訊,開發建立 量化健康衝擊評估模式,分別討論不同糧食管理政策(一般農法、有機農法、稻米進 口)其將分別帶給不同族群(農夫、當地居民、消費者)之健康衝擊,例如:農藥施 用與殘留、重金屬殘留以及其他有害物質施用與污染。此外,本研究並將利用農糧署 大型資料庫資料,進行不同水稻品種、不同期別、不同地區的資料比較分析,並進一 步利用這些數據進行不同水稻管理策略之模擬情境分析,以釐清最適台灣地區稻米生 產管理作業方式與可行之綠色管理策略(農法選擇、休耕策略、輪耕方式),以提供 相關單位參考。
Agri-food sector is a crucially important part of the society, because it is a major factor affecting public health and welfare and it also contributes –directly and indirectly –both to the environment and to the national gross product and employment. Improving sustainability of the agri-food sector implies production of nutritionally better food by using fewer inputs and by reducing environmental burden. In reducing environmental burden, it is essential to restrict the material throughput, to identify the hot spots and direct the measures to them. Improving performance of the food sector requires that the benefits and inputs be quantified in an unambiguous way and that the inputs are estimated for the whole production chain. A comprehensive view of the whole system is necessary and material flow analysis (MFA) or life cycle assessment (LCA) method may be a good approach. However, MFA or LCA approach has not been commonly applied specifically to agriculture or to food sector in Taiwan. In addition, the focus in most studies in developed countries is the environmental consequences of food production or food consumption. The health aspect is largely missing; however, health is also the key part of sustainable development. Health impact assessment (HIA) has been advocated by WHO for its use to identify and optimize the health effects of non-health care interventions or human activities. A quantitative approach to Health impact assessment combined with MFA and LCA will be proposed in this study to view the whole food system and its relation impacts of agri-food sector. Rice has an outstanding demand by consumers in Taiwan and the rice production is also the major agricultural activity in Taiwan. Hence, rice production is selected as an example to explain the quantitative approach to Health impact assessment established in this research. In the previous years of this study, an integrated methodology of MFA, LCA, and HIA has be established to analyze the impacts of rice production in Taiwan, especially on the water resources, energy use, synthetic fertilizers use, and chemical materials. In the third year (this year), the different impacts will be identified between organic agriculture and conventional agriculture with the Health impact assessment method based on the data from MFA and LCA. Finally, scenario-based environmental assessment of farming systems will also be investigated in order to find the optimal strategies to rice planting management in Taiwan.







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