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  本研究發展了一個平台,讓教師或設計人員可以管理學習元件(asset)、以物件樣板(SCO template)編修教材物件(SCO)、組合學習單元、及進行封裝。本研究的目的在於開發三個模組工具:教材倉儲管理工具、SCO樣板編輯工具(SCO Template Tool)及課程組合與封裝工具,期能加速教材生產及降低教材製作成本。   教材倉儲管理工具以解決教材可重複使用及存取共享學習物件。SCO樣板編輯工具,開發符合教學策略的教材樣板,讓教師可以將學習元件組合,讓教材呈現一致的介面風格。課程組合與封裝工具,提供教師進行課程編排及組合內容的課程架構,可封裝成符合SCORM的教材。   本研究的測試包含系統意見回饋、學習物件倉儲統計資料、及使用者操作紀錄。根據測試結果,結論為:(1).倉儲管理工具可支援設計人員上傳、管理、及分享學習元件。(2). 設計人員可在系統上設計出符合教學需求的樣板。3. 系統可支援教師取用Asset以及選擇適合的教材樣板,並進行教材設計、更新與組合,製作符合SCORM的教材。   未來的研究方向為擴充平台功能。如倉儲工具可加強學習物件的Metadata預設值的設計,可加入數位版權管理或CC(Creative Commons)保護機制,開放上傳、下載等API或是Widget工具。如改良樣板設計工具使其更簡易使用及增加教材樣板數量。如課程單元組合工具加入SCORM 2004的順序規則。
The purpose of this research was to develop a web-based platform for helping teachers or content designers manage learning component (asset), edit SCOs with a template tool, assemble components, and package contents. The specific objective was to develop and integrate three tools -- the content repository management tool, the SCO template tool, and the content aggregation and packaging tool. The content repository management tool could make learning objects sharable and reusable. The SCO template tool could assemble learning objects and to maintain a consistent interface design. And the content aggregation and packaging tool could aggregate and packaging SCORM-compliant e-learning content. The system has been tested in a CFL (Chinese as a Foreign Language) project for 2 years. The test data were collected from the user’s feedback form, content repository statistics, and user’s log. Results are: (1) repository management tool can supports content designers uploading, managing and sharing learning objects. (2) content designers can design SCO template by using the template tool. (3) the system can support teachers to pull assets from repository, arrange them on the SCO template, and then aggregate them by the content packaging tool. The system is a usable. Although this study have developed three tools, there are several functions to be added in the future. For example, metadata entry should use more of default values, the digital rights management and CC (Creative Commons) should be added, more templates should be created, and sequencing rules should be considered.



學習元件, 教材物件, 教材樣板, 教材倉儲, SCORM, Learning objects, SCO, Template, Repository, SCORM





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