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Kuo-liang Wu
Mei-Hung Chiu
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National Taiwan Normal University Science Education Center
National Taiwan Normal University Science Education Center
本研究使用大學入學考試中心(簡稱大考中心)所編製的研究用試卷,探討試題類型與考生答題結果。該成就測驗是由五位大學化學系四大領域(有機、無機、分析、物化) 的教授,依照課程綱要內容編製而成,內容涵蓋高中化學的主要概念,並依照不同的試題類型區分為選擇題與非選擇題。其中,選擇題涵蓋概念理解、圖形理解、演算問題解決等能力之試題;非選擇題則是包括概念理解、演算問題解決、實驗問題解決以及需要利用推理、綜合和分析等能力之試題,亦即所謂較高階認知技能的試題。研究對象為北、中、南地區,四所公立高中、三所私立高中,共11 15 位高三學生參加測試。根據主成分分析結果顯示,有三個因素的初始特徵值大於1. 0 。其中,因素l 屬概念理解,因素2 屬較高階認知技能,因素3 屬圖形理解。研究者進一步利用集群分析發現,具圖形理解特質的試題有群集的傾向,具高階認知技能的試題亦表現出較高的相似性,此二類試題與其他概念理解的試題有較大的差異性。綜合專家分類、主成分分析與集群分析的結果,可說明此成就測驗包含:圖形理解試題、較高階認知技能試題與概念理解試題。此外,本研究利用考生不熟悉情境的非選擇題題型,測驗考生應用氧化還原概念原理的能力。 研究結果顯示,某些考生會誤將有機化合物的矮酸當成兩種官能基,即羥基和羰基;另外,當考生無法利用氧化還原概念,推出合理答案時,則會嘗試以合乎題幹敘述的記憶性知識回答問題。換吉之,部分學生會利用提取的方式,找出合乎要求的答案,而未注意到答案的合理性與邏輯性o 綜合來說,本研究顯示,此次{七學成就測驗的題型包括,概念理解、圖形理解與較高階認知技能的評量,而其中更重要的是宜利用圖形檢測學生讀圖與詮釋變數間的關條以及培養學生高階思考的能力,此研究結果盼能促進高中他學教學與評量的重點,並作為未來大規模入學考試試題設計之參考。
This study investigated the item patterns and students' responses to achievement test items in chemistry that were constructed by a group of chemistry professors under the guidelines of 20 10 curriculum outline. This study was funded by College Entrance Examination Center (CEEC) to understand the students' performance of achievement test for entering universities. The items of this test have been divided by those professors into different patterns, including conceptual understanding, algorithmic problem solving, graphic understanding and higher-order cognitive skills (HOCS). This test was administrated to 1115 12th grade students in 7 senior high schools. According to two types ofstatistics analyses, principal component analysis and cluster analysis, the researchers have found that there were at least three types of items, namely conceptual understanding, graphic understanding, and high-order cognitive skills. Besides that, the researchers have also found the alternative conceptions of nomenclature of functional group in organic compounds. Furthermore, some students used recalling strategy to answer those questions that need analysis and application of oxidation-reduction theory into unfamiliar situations. In sum, this study highlights the functions and importance of different item patterns in high-school achievement test in chemistry. More importantly, this study suggests that the use of graphic representations to investigate students' competence in reading and interpreting relations among different variables and to cultivate students' high-order thinking competence should receive enough attention from policy makers, school teachers, and assessment designers. We hope the results of this study could provide valuable reference for instruction and assessment in high school chemistry, and use them as reference for item designs for large scale entrance examination.
This study investigated the item patterns and students' responses to achievement test items in chemistry that were constructed by a group of chemistry professors under the guidelines of 20 10 curriculum outline. This study was funded by College Entrance Examination Center (CEEC) to understand the students' performance of achievement test for entering universities. The items of this test have been divided by those professors into different patterns, including conceptual understanding, algorithmic problem solving, graphic understanding and higher-order cognitive skills (HOCS). This test was administrated to 1115 12th grade students in 7 senior high schools. According to two types ofstatistics analyses, principal component analysis and cluster analysis, the researchers have found that there were at least three types of items, namely conceptual understanding, graphic understanding, and high-order cognitive skills. Besides that, the researchers have also found the alternative conceptions of nomenclature of functional group in organic compounds. Furthermore, some students used recalling strategy to answer those questions that need analysis and application of oxidation-reduction theory into unfamiliar situations. In sum, this study highlights the functions and importance of different item patterns in high-school achievement test in chemistry. More importantly, this study suggests that the use of graphic representations to investigate students' competence in reading and interpreting relations among different variables and to cultivate students' high-order thinking competence should receive enough attention from policy makers, school teachers, and assessment designers. We hope the results of this study could provide valuable reference for instruction and assessment in high school chemistry, and use them as reference for item designs for large scale entrance examination.