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為回應校本管理的精神與績效責任的要求,學校有必要具備執行評鑑與使用評鑑的能力,始有助於擴大自我評鑑的功能,「評鑑能力建立」(evaluation capacity building)即為評鑑研究的新領域之一。目前相關的實徵研究中,甚少能深入分析評鑑能力的向度,同時也未充分地反應評鑑能力在教育情境以及在非美國脈絡的意義。因此,本研究旨在探究我國國民中小學校在組織層級的自我評鑑能力,包括能力的內涵以及發展或增強能力的有效途徑。為達成上述目的,本研究採取訪談、焦點座談與德懷術,依據研究結果,提出學校自我評鑑能力內涵的架構,並據此提出提升自我評鑑能力的途徑,以提供教育主管機關及學校實施自我評鑑的參考。
Evaluation Capacity Building (ECB) is a new area of research in evaluation. This study proposes ECB as a process in which schools build capacity to conduct and use evaluation in a context of accountability and school-based management. One key gap, however, is a lack of research uncovering the dimensions of evaluation capacity (EC) at organizational levels, especially in schools in non-American contexts. This study, therefore, aims to explore the dimensions of self-study capacity in elementary and middles schools in Taiwan, along with the feasible approaches to building the schools’ capacity. To achieve the goals, this study used interviews, focus groups, and a Delphi technique. Based on the results, the study offers an understanding of EC and ECB, which can provide guidelines for educational authorities and schools to plan for self-study.
Evaluation Capacity Building (ECB) is a new area of research in evaluation. This study proposes ECB as a process in which schools build capacity to conduct and use evaluation in a context of accountability and school-based management. One key gap, however, is a lack of research uncovering the dimensions of evaluation capacity (EC) at organizational levels, especially in schools in non-American contexts. This study, therefore, aims to explore the dimensions of self-study capacity in elementary and middles schools in Taiwan, along with the feasible approaches to building the schools’ capacity. To achieve the goals, this study used interviews, focus groups, and a Delphi technique. Based on the results, the study offers an understanding of EC and ECB, which can provide guidelines for educational authorities and schools to plan for self-study.