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西文經典文獻的閱讀和掌握是台灣人文地理學在大學和研究所訓練過程中較弱的 一環。部分原因是學生的英文閱讀能力不佳和缺乏適當的中文譯本,以及地理思想課程 的教學無法和其他以教科書作為基本讀本的專業課程適當銜接。然而,更大的問題在於 許多師生對於人文地理學的經典著作和引領思潮的重大概念欠缺完整的認識,更遑論從 頭到尾、原汁原味地閱讀這些精采的學術經典。長久下來,學術自然難以生根,培養出 來的人才也容易落入斷章取義的半調子。 因此,本研究試圖運用傅科的知識考古學和系譜學的概念,對影響當代人文地理學 發展甚鉅的經典著作和重要概念,重新加以發掘、整理、編排和呈現。尤其著重戰後人 文地理學和其他社會科學之間相互影響的重要理論和思潮,試圖勾勒出「空間轉向」之 後,二十一世紀「新地理」的初步面貌。 主要的研究方法包括(1)人文地理經典檔案的靜態考掘和(2)人文地理思想在台 灣散佈、發展的動態系譜考察。前者是藉由交叉比對的工作,試圖從一些有關當代英美 人文地理思想史的重要典籍和文獻檔案中,反向去挖掘不同時代具有指標意義的重要經 典,形成一個人文地理學知識的經典檔案庫,作為對於連續、統一的傳統思想史的初步 批判。接著將研究重點放在台灣的人文地理學發展脈絡。利用邀請國內相關領域的學者 專家提供他們認為最具啟發性和影響力的私房經典書單、對於前述經典檔案修訂版本和 不同譯本之間的時空考察,以及這些經典檔案在大學圖書館中館藏位置的空間考察,作 為瞭解人文地理經典在台灣生根、發展的系譜分析。 最後,本計畫擬將研究發現的具體成果,整理成一本《地理好讀,發現新地理》的 人文地理學經典指南。以圖文並茂、深入淺出的方式,逐一介紹這些影響深遠的必讀經 典,並且穿插重要人物的專欄介紹,以及國內學者專家的私房書單。讓學生和有興趣的 讀者可以按圖索驥、任意瀏覽,打破傳統思想史和學科藩籬的框架限制,建立自己的知 識系譜。希望有助於勾勒出二十一世紀「新地理」的發展趨勢,進而達到推廣人文地理 學和落實經典閱讀的學術紮根工作。
Many students in the geographical departments of Taiwan』s universities have difficulty reading geographical classics, partly because of their poor English reading ability and a lack of Chinese translation versions, and partly because of inadequate links between the course of geographical thought and other specialized courses. Furthermore, most students and some teachers in human geography in fact know little about these classics, let along reading them thoroughly. As might be expected, it causes serious problems for geographical education at the university. For above reasons, this study tries to use Foucault』s theories of the archaeology of knowledge and the genealogy to explore, analyze, compile, and represent the classic archives in contemporary human geography. Focusing in particular upon the common grounds between human geography and other fields in the social sciences, it also attempts to highlight the possible trend of the 「New Geography」 in the twenty-first century. Two methods are adopted for this purpose: (1) an archaeological investigation on the classic archives in human geography and (2) a genealogical investigation on the dispersion and development of these geographical thought in Taiwan. In the former case, a tentative list of classic archives is produced by cross-examining data from different sources in geographical thought. In the latter case, three aspects are examined to illustrate the dynamics of the dispersion of geographical thought in Taiwan. They are: (1) inviting 20 local scholars to provide their recommendation list of geographical classics; (2) tracing the editorial and translation versions of these classic archives between English, Chinese, and other languages (in cases if these books were not written in English); and (3) locating their places on the shelves in different university libraries and analyzing their checking-out records. Most importantly, this study attempts to use the findings of the research to compile a handbook of geographical classics: Reading Space and Digging Geography. Hopefully, with the help of this handbook, readers can establish their own genealogy of knowledge and explore the brave world of the New Geography.







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