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本研究嘗試描繪國內網路選舉資訊使用者的社會背景、心理特質、及其傳播行為 等方面之特徵。從單一變項百分比、零階積差相關及多元階層迴歸等統計分析結果來看,以 本研究調查的 1998 年臺北市長選舉選民背景而言,網際網路仍然不是多數民眾經常接觸的 選舉資訊管道,只有極少數的受訪者表示,在選舉期間從網路上獲得許多選舉資訊或是曾經 相當注意網路選舉訊息。研究結果也顯示,網路選舉資訊使用者的主要特徵為年齡較輕及教 育程度較高。這些年輕而又有較高學歷的選民不以網路選舉資訊做為電視或報紙選舉消息的 補充資訊,也不以網路選舉資訊做為人際傳播的談話素材。此外,這些選民也並非由於政治 參與程度較深或特別支持某一候選人而接觸網路選舉資訊。換言之,接觸網路選舉資訊可能 只是一種知識青年次文化的表徵,它是一種儀式性的傳播行為,而未必隱涵什麼工具性的價 值。
This study examines the social background, political participation and communication behavior of those who have attended to electoral campaign information appeared in internet systems. A total of 610 voters of the 1998 Taipei mayoral election were interviewed, and the results indicated that the majority of the users of internet electoral campaign information are the younger and better educated people. The results of the study also found that these users did not utilize the internet campaign information as complement of the campaign information carried by traditional mass media. Neither did they use the internet information as interpersonal communication topics. The study also found that the users were not particularly involved in the mayoral election campaign. Thus, attending to internet campaign information is more a ritual behavior as attending to other kinds of internet information than a communication behavior with specific motivations.
This study examines the social background, political participation and communication behavior of those who have attended to electoral campaign information appeared in internet systems. A total of 610 voters of the 1998 Taipei mayoral election were interviewed, and the results indicated that the majority of the users of internet electoral campaign information are the younger and better educated people. The results of the study also found that these users did not utilize the internet campaign information as complement of the campaign information carried by traditional mass media. Neither did they use the internet information as interpersonal communication topics. The study also found that the users were not particularly involved in the mayoral election campaign. Thus, attending to internet campaign information is more a ritual behavior as attending to other kinds of internet information than a communication behavior with specific motivations.