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本技術報告開發一套自駕車教學套件,幫助學生透過設計自駕車程式,以了解自駕車如何偵測環境資訊及規劃路線,因而習得演算法的概念。本技術報告的創新在於,研究者發展的自駕車教學套件,可以讓學生在熟悉的Scratch程式語言平台中,及使用不需高效能的電腦即可進行學習,降低教學成本利於推廣。研發之教學套件有二,包括自駕車套件與地圖套件。自駕車套件可讓學生修改自駕車的偵測範圍、判斷邏輯、行駛參數等的程式碼來完成任務,以訓練學生演算法能力;地圖套件允許教師自行設計與擴充,提升教學設計的彈性。 開發的自駕車教學套件於台北市某國中試用,共有兩班九年級的75位學生參與,教學實施時間為8節課,並收集課堂觀察紀錄、學生專題作業、紙筆測驗、意見回饋等進行分析。使用結果發現,本教學套件有助於學生瞭解自駕車操控原理,且提升學生學習程式設計動機。建議未來自駕車套件應依功能模組區塊化,地圖套件應新增更多種類。此外,教學實施應有妥適規劃,例如:給予學生充分練習與操作時間,設計適當評量測驗、提供足夠範例等。
This report is to develop instructional kits that help students understand how autonomous cars detecting the environments and arranging routes by coding, eventually learning algorithm concepts. The innovation of this report is applying Scratch to develop the instructional kits, enable students to learn the autonomous car concepts with a familiar programming language, and did not require high-performance computers to implement. Therefore, reducing the teaching costs and easier to promote. The instructional kits including an autonomous car kit and a map kit. The autonomous car kit allows students to modify the detection range, conditional judgment, control parameter, and so on to complete tasks accordingly and develop students' algorithm skills. Map kit allows teachers to design and extend the map, enhancing the flexibility of instructional design. A field test of the autonomous car instructional kits was conducted in a middle school in Taipei City. A total of 75 students from two ninth-grade classes had participated in the instruction for eight weeks. All students' project files, test scores, course feedbacks, as well as class observation records were collected. The results revealed that the instructional kits couldhelp students understand the control principle of autonomous cars and improve their motivation for learning programming. We suggested future studies could divide the autonomous car kit according to functional modules and extend the map kit as well. Besides, the implementation of instructions should be properly planned, for example, arrange sufficient time for students to practice, designing appropriate assessments, and providing more examples.



自駕車, 運算思維, 程式設計, Autonomous car, Computational thinking, Programming

