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National Taiwan Normal University
National Taiwan Normal University
本研究旨在探討正向心態對初始興趣、維持興趣及動手做科學創作競賽學習價值之相關。本研究之研究樣本為動手做科技創作競賽之參與學生,該競賽要求學生須在早上設計及製作三隻仿生機械獸,並在下午進行接力與拔河競賽。本研究回收有效樣本197 份,以結構方程模式進行驗證性因素分析與模型分析。研究對象有135 位男學生(68.5%)和62 位女學生(31.5%),九年級學生有91 位(46.2%)和六年級學生有106 位(53.8%)。結果顯示正向心態對初始興趣、維持興趣及動手做科學創作競賽學習價值呈顯著正相關。路徑係數分別為 .64、 .28、 .59、 .36 與 .47,且具高效果量。研究結果指出,正向心態有助於個體初始興趣及維持興趣感受之產生,進而提升動手做科學創作競賽之學習價值。
This study explored how proactivity triggers and maintains the interest and perceived learningvalues of students. It surveyed students who participated in a science and technology hands-onmaking contest. This contest required students to make three miniatures and use them to compete inrelay races and tug-of-war competitions. Data from 197 participants were collected analyzed usingconfirmatory factor analysis with structural equation modeling. Participants consisted of 135 (68.5%)male students and 62 (31.5%) female students. 91 participants were in the fifth grade (46.2%) and106 were in the sixth grade (53.8%). Results identified positive correlations between proactivity,triggered interest, maintained interest, and perceived learning value. The coefficients were .64, .28,.59, .36, and .47, respectively, and the effect sizes were strong. These results indicated that althoughfailure in miniature design is unavoidable, promoting students’ proactivity can reduce failure,facilitate situational interest, and ultimately enhance perceived learning values.
This study explored how proactivity triggers and maintains the interest and perceived learningvalues of students. It surveyed students who participated in a science and technology hands-onmaking contest. This contest required students to make three miniatures and use them to compete inrelay races and tug-of-war competitions. Data from 197 participants were collected analyzed usingconfirmatory factor analysis with structural equation modeling. Participants consisted of 135 (68.5%)male students and 62 (31.5%) female students. 91 participants were in the fifth grade (46.2%) and106 were in the sixth grade (53.8%). Results identified positive correlations between proactivity,triggered interest, maintained interest, and perceived learning value. The coefficients were .64, .28,.59, .36, and .47, respectively, and the effect sizes were strong. These results indicated that althoughfailure in miniature design is unavoidable, promoting students’ proactivity can reduce failure,facilitate situational interest, and ultimately enhance perceived learning values.