Course-taking patterns of vocational teacher education baccalaureate degree recipients: Teacher preparation, general education, and teaching content area studies
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Finch, C. R.
Schmidt, B. J.
Oliver, J. D.
Yu, K. C.
Wills, A.
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Berkeley:ational� Center or Research in Vocational Education,niversity� of aliforniat� Berkeley.
This study focused on the course-taking patterns of voca tional teacher education baccalaureate degree recipients. Twenty-two universities and colleges preparing vocational education teachers provided researchers with transcripts for graduates of six vocational teacher education areas. Transcripts were analyzed based on a 141-field coding scheme. The status information provided, together with information from other sources, can assist teacher educators, administrators, and policymakers in determining what the optimum mix of coursework and experience should be for vocational teacher education programs at their institutions.