

  本研究旨在探討資訊科技融入教學模式與學習動機對國中一年級學習者自我調整策略運用、動機傾向、及學習成效的影響。研究設計採因子設計之準實驗研究法,自變項包含資訊科技融入教學模式和學習動機,資訊科技融入教學模式依教學方式的不同分為探索式和引導式資訊科技融入教學模式兩種類型,學習動機依照動機傾向量表得分之平均數將學習者分為高、低學習動機兩組,受試學習分別於實驗教學前後接受測量。本研究以北部縣市國中一年級學生共102名研究樣本。   研究發現:一、學習動機、自我調整、動機傾向、及學習成效四者之間有著密不可分的關聯性;二、教學模式對自我調整、動機傾向、及學習成效影響差異不大;三、學習動機是影響自我調整、動機傾向、與學習成效之關鍵因素;四、探索式教學模式能有效提升深度認知策略、後設認知策略、及意志控制策略的運用;五、引導式教學模式使學習者提升環境控制策略的運用;六、探索式教學模式是有效提升學習者動機傾的方式;七、高學習動機之學習者在自我調整、動機傾向、及學習成效表現皆較佳。本研究結果與建議可供國中自然科學教學與未來相關研究參考。
  The purposes of this study were to examine the correlations among information and communication technology, motivation, self-regulation, motivational orientation and performance; and to investigate the effect of information and communication technology and motivation on learner self-regulatory strategies, motivation orientation and performance. The methodology of this study was quasi-experimental design. The participants were 102 junior high school students in northern Taiwan and were randomly assigned to either the inquiry-based information and communication technology or mentoring-based information and communication technology model.   The results of this study were summarized as following: (a) Motivation, self-regulation, motivation orientation and performance were closely related; (b) the relationships of instructional model with and self-regulation, motivation orientation and performance were found to be insignificant; (c) motivation is a key factor of self-regulation, motivational orientation and performance; (d) the learners’ strategies in the group of inquiry-based information and communication technology were deeply improved by the control deeply cognitive learning , metacognition and volition; (e) the learner’s strategies in the group of mentoring-based information and communication technology were deeply improved by using of resource management strategies; (f) the learners’ intrinsic motivational orientation in the group of inquiry-based information and communications technology was deeply improved; and (g) Learners with a higher motivation were more likely to have higher level of self-regulation, intrinsic motivation and performance.   The suggestions were also given, based on the results of this study, for junior high school teachers teaching in science and further related studies.



資訊科技融入教學, 學習動機, 自我調整, information and communication technology, motivation, self-regulation





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