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Mei-Hsin Lin , Chun-Yen Chang and Chia-Min Lin
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National Taiwan Normal University Science Education Center
National Taiwan Normal University Science Education Center
本研究旨在探究具有自然科知識背景之國小自然科教師,其對地球科學主題之興趣與認為該主題在教學中的出現頻率以及對該主題地質時間認知的關係。本研究採用問卷調查法進行研究,整份問卷共有60 題,α=.89,以立意取樣,選取111 位具有自然科知識背景之國小自然科教師,做為施測樣本。研究結果顯示,教師對於此二十個地球科學主題皆有中度以上的興趣,但對此二十個主題教學頻率的範圍則較分散,從中度到低度皆有,通常教師最感興趣與最不感興趣的地科主題,也是最常教學與最不常教學的地科主題;教師對於正確地質年代的認知,普遍偏低。文末針對研究主題進行討論,並對師資培育及研究方法提出建議。
This study aims to probe into the interest on earth science of the science teachers with science knowledge and the relationship between their consideration on the frequency of the said subject used in teaching and their cognition of geological time. This study is based on questionnaire survey and selects 111 science teachers with science knowledge in elementary schools by purposive sampling. The research finding demonstrates that the teachers are interested in these 20 earth science topics with at least medium level; however, the frequencies of these topics used are varied (from medium to low levels). The earth science topics which the teachers are interested in the most tend to be taught frequently whereas those which they are not interested in are rarely taught; the teachers have low level of cognition on geological time. Finally, this study elaborates the research topic and proposes suggestions with regard to teacher education and research approaches.
This study aims to probe into the interest on earth science of the science teachers with science knowledge and the relationship between their consideration on the frequency of the said subject used in teaching and their cognition of geological time. This study is based on questionnaire survey and selects 111 science teachers with science knowledge in elementary schools by purposive sampling. The research finding demonstrates that the teachers are interested in these 20 earth science topics with at least medium level; however, the frequencies of these topics used are varied (from medium to low levels). The earth science topics which the teachers are interested in the most tend to be taught frequently whereas those which they are not interested in are rarely taught; the teachers have low level of cognition on geological time. Finally, this study elaborates the research topic and proposes suggestions with regard to teacher education and research approaches.