

教師專業發展(teacher professional development)以提昇教師個人在認知、情意與技能三方面的能力,與促進學校教育整體的發展與革新為目標。促進教師專業發展的途徑有許多種,其中以教學卷宗(portfolio)促進教師專業發展,已經成為重要議題。而教學卷宗數位化是目前的趨勢,但目前的數位卷宗平台缺乏與讀者的的互動性,也難以即時變更自己的版面風格。而部落格卻能彌補這方面的缺點,因此本研究將部落格(blog)與教學卷宗(portfolios)做結合,形成部落格卷宗系統(blogolios)。 本研究採用設計式研究(Design-based Research),以分析(analysis)、設計(design)、發展(develop)、實施(implement)、評估(evaluation)為一個循環,每個循環並透過問卷與非結構式訪談,以瞭解教師對系統的滿意度與建議,並以此作為下個平台版本修改的根據。本研究共有1090位國小、國中老師參與,並經過下列五個循環:第一版 教師部落格(初步建置階段)、第二版 部落格卷宗系統(整合評鑑內容階段)、第三版 部落格卷宗系統(校本與師本的自訂彈性規準階段)、第四版 部落格卷宗系統 (社群互動階段)、第五版 部落格卷宗系統(版面清楚美觀階段)。 透過五個循環,與問卷、訪談等分析,本研究發現:一、部落格卷宗系統可促進教師專業發展。二、發展部落格卷宗系統,同時需注重相關影音媒體的功能。三、外在環境、內在學習動機,與先備知識,以及平台功能是否方便操作,都足以影響教師使用部落格卷宗系統的意願。四、是否有分享的習慣,與認為自我知識是否有價值性,皆足以影響教師分享教學檔案的意願。 關鍵詞:部落格、教學卷宗、設計式研究、教師專業發展
Teacher professional development is aimed to elevate teachers’ three abilities of cognition, modality and skill, and to promote the development and innovation of the whole school educaton. The ways of improving teacher professional development are various, and portfolio has become the important issue. Although the digitalization is in the current trend, the lack of interaction between the readers and the rapid updating of the webpage style is the main flaw, which blog, however, outwit. This research thus combines blogs and portfolios to construct the blogolios. Design-based Research is applied in this research, taking analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation as a cycle. Each requires questionnaires and interviews to understand the satisfactory degree and suggestion of the teachers toward the system, serving as the basis of the modification of next platform version. 1090 elementary and junior high teachers participate in this research and follow the five cycles listed below: 1st version: teachers’blogs (beginning of construction)2nd version: blogolios (integration of evaluation)3rd version: blogolios (flexible interface between the official and teachers’ version)4th version: blogolios (interaction between communities)5th version: blogolios (clear and fine webpage style) Through the five cycles and analysis of questionnaires and interviews, four findings are covered in this research: 1. The blogolios improve the teacher professional development. 2. The related media functions should also be heeded during the construction of system. 3. The external environment, internal learning motivation, background information and the easy accessibility to the platform functions all exert the influence on teachers’ preference of utilizing the system. 4. The habit of sharing and the judgment of one’s knowledge also affect the inclination of teachers to share their teaching materials or resources. Keyword: blog, portfolio, design-based research, teacher professional development



部落格, 教學卷宗, 設計式研究, 教師專業發展, blog, portfolio, design-based research, teacher professional development





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