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國土的各種規畫,圾有賴於正確的資訊作為依據。最近地理訊系統的發展,更為國土資訊的發展提供有利的技術技援。美國在地理資訊的研發及應用上居於世界領先的地位,近年正積極建立其國土資訊系統。本文探討美國國土資訊系統發展上所採取的策略,作為我國建立國土資訊系統時的參考。 美國國土資訊系統由總統所下令進行,以內政部為首的各聯邦政府部會組成國家地理資料委員會負責推動。主要工作包括建立地理資料交換網路,讓地理資料生產者、管理者、及使用者可以透過網路、查尋、訂購及取得地理資料。制訂各種標準規範,以利於空間資料的 整合,建立一套基礎的地理資料,作為其他空間資料調查、生產的架構。
The success of planning of the nation's land resources depends on the support of correct information. The development of geographic information system can support the development of a national geographic information system. United States has been the leader in research and application of geographic information system technology. United States is constructing his national geographic system – the National Spatial Data Infrastructure. This paper reviewed the development of National Spatial Data Infrastructure to help our planning to develop a national geographic information system.
The success of planning of the nation's land resources depends on the support of correct information. The development of geographic information system can support the development of a national geographic information system. United States has been the leader in research and application of geographic information system technology. United States is constructing his national geographic system – the National Spatial Data Infrastructure. This paper reviewed the development of National Spatial Data Infrastructure to help our planning to develop a national geographic information system.