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本研究目的為獲得急動度訊號,並應用於運動控制平台,以達到更良好的控制性能。本研究實驗所使用之加速規包括電容式和電荷式加速規,使用其量測加速度,再透過設計的觀測器,觀測得到急動度訊號,以提升運動控制系統的性能。本研究考慮的系統在運動時容易產生振動,其限制了控制目標的動態性能,本論文提出一結合加速度與位置之急動度觀測器,其中加速度訊號由電荷式與電容式加速規獲得,位置由光學尺感測。該觀測器藉由加速度及位置訊號獲得急動度訊號,並將其回授至控制系統,以降低系統的振動問題。本研究使用兩種不同的急動度觀測器進行比較研究,並改善系統之振動情形。本研究實驗平台為伺服馬達結合滾珠螺桿組成之線性平台,進行直線運動位置追蹤控制。採用 TI TMS320C6713 DSP 與 Xilinx 可程式閘陣列(FPGA)結合而成之控制器硬體核心,並以 C 語言與硬體描述語言(VHDL)作為控制器設計之發展工具。本研究使用電荷式及電容式加速規,以得到不同的加速度訊號,並且使用於急動度觀測器於平台,以比較不同加速度訊號與觀測器架構對控制性能的影響。由實驗結果可知,本研究提出的方法能提供較好的控制性能。
The purpose of this research is to obtain a jerk signal for motion control systems to improve control performance. The motion system considered in this research is prone to vibrating during movement, which limits its dynamic performance. This study proposes a jerk observer, which combines acceleration sensing with a position signal provided by an optical ruler. The acceleration sensing is achieved by a capacitive or a charge accelerometer. The jerk observer fuses the acceleration and the position signals to obtain a jerk estimate that is fed back to reduce output vibration. A comparative study is also conducted to demonstrate salient features of the proposed observer.The experimental platform is a linear motion platform mainly composed of a servo motor and a ball screw. A TI TMS320C6713 DSP with a Xilinx field-programmable gate array (FPGA) forms the controller hardware’s core, and the C language and hardware description language (HDL) are used to develop the controller/observer system. In this study, two acceleration signals and two different jerk observers were combined and compared in terms of some popular performance indices. From experimental results, it can be seen that the methods proposed in this study can all produce better control performance.



觀測器, 急動度, 加速規, 運動控制, observer, jerk, accelerometer, motion control





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