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Wu, Cheng-Chih
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本計畫的主要目的是設計實驗活動及視覺化輔助學習工具,供高中生學習「演算法及資料結構」的重要觀念。第一年計畫的重點是需求分析與雛形工具的發展,計完成了SimSort 及SimDS 二個模擬軟體。第二年(本年度)計畫的重點是實驗活動的設計及輔助學習工具的完成及試用評估,第三年的重點則是實驗活動及工具的修改與擴充,並進行正式的使用效益評估。本年度我們分別針對演算法及資料結構的學習設計實驗活動單元,活動進行時係以模擬軟體為輔助學習的工具,並於二所高中實施試用評估。評估結果發現,模擬軟體有助於學習成效的提升,實驗活動學習單的設計提供了有效的學習指引;然而,模擬軟體畫面設計的單調,同學學習興趣的低落,仍有待未來進一步的改善。
The main purpose of this project is to conduct laboratory-based learning of algorithms and data structures concepts among high school students and to exam effectiveness of such approach. This project is a three yearlong project. In the first year, we developed two simulation software, namely SimSort and SimDS. SimSort helps students understand the concept of algorithms through sorting array data. While SimDS let students experiment data structures concept via comparing searching/inserting data in both arrays and trees. This year (the 2nd year) we developed three SimSort-based and six SimDS-based lab activities to help students learning algorithms and data structures concepts. We then conducted pilot experiments in two high schools to evaluate the lab activities and the two simulation software. The evaluation results showed that both the lab activities and the simulation software helped student learning the concepts. However, students did not show much interest in using the simulation software and doing the lab activities. They considered the software boring and not very user-friendly. We will have the lab package revised/expanded in the third year, and field experiments of the laboratory-based approach will be carried out to evaluate its effectiveness.
The main purpose of this project is to conduct laboratory-based learning of algorithms and data structures concepts among high school students and to exam effectiveness of such approach. This project is a three yearlong project. In the first year, we developed two simulation software, namely SimSort and SimDS. SimSort helps students understand the concept of algorithms through sorting array data. While SimDS let students experiment data structures concept via comparing searching/inserting data in both arrays and trees. This year (the 2nd year) we developed three SimSort-based and six SimDS-based lab activities to help students learning algorithms and data structures concepts. We then conducted pilot experiments in two high schools to evaluate the lab activities and the two simulation software. The evaluation results showed that both the lab activities and the simulation software helped student learning the concepts. However, students did not show much interest in using the simulation software and doing the lab activities. They considered the software boring and not very user-friendly. We will have the lab package revised/expanded in the third year, and field experiments of the laboratory-based approach will be carried out to evaluate its effectiveness.