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本文旨在瞭解大陸女性配偶對其所參與的移民教育課程所賦與的意義。研究資料的蒐集主要來自95年臺北市政府主辦,民間團體承辦的「新移民生活成長營── 大陸學員班」的14位女性學員的深度訪談所得。結果發現對大陸女性配偶而言,上課不僅可以獲得自身權益和臺灣語文習俗知識,也可以在此懷念祖國,傾吐心事,結交朋友發展社會網絡,更可以透過出門上課離開充滿壓力的夫家,獲得身體與心靈的自由。她們也知覺課程中傳遞的馴化價值,合理化其所遭遇的不合理待遇。最後,據此意義提出對大陸移民教育的建議。
The Peng Wan-Ru (PWR) Foundation's model is based on economic autonomy, implementing the Scandinavian form of democratic participation in Taiwan, and creating new models and styles for women's movements. Although various studies have investigated the PWR Foundation model, we remain unable to understand the phenomenon thoroughly. This study uses the organization's timeline, within context, to develop a complete strategy. Using the organizational timeline, we analyze the reason women's participation in politics evolved into concerns for women's safety and employment opportunities through a detailed exploration of work safety practices and caregiving policy. From the perspective of social innovation, the organization itself and its history and empowerment reveal the true nature of the PWR model and its developmental strategy. Additionally, using "social enterprise" as a theoretical base for comparison, the PWR foundation model can be distinguished clearly from that of the Scandinavian development. Finally, regarding affairs, policy and theory provide effective suggestions to government, the non-profit sector, and academia.
The Peng Wan-Ru (PWR) Foundation's model is based on economic autonomy, implementing the Scandinavian form of democratic participation in Taiwan, and creating new models and styles for women's movements. Although various studies have investigated the PWR Foundation model, we remain unable to understand the phenomenon thoroughly. This study uses the organization's timeline, within context, to develop a complete strategy. Using the organizational timeline, we analyze the reason women's participation in politics evolved into concerns for women's safety and employment opportunities through a detailed exploration of work safety practices and caregiving policy. From the perspective of social innovation, the organization itself and its history and empowerment reveal the true nature of the PWR model and its developmental strategy. Additionally, using "social enterprise" as a theoretical base for comparison, the PWR foundation model can be distinguished clearly from that of the Scandinavian development. Finally, regarding affairs, policy and theory provide effective suggestions to government, the non-profit sector, and academia.