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本研究旨在探討九年一貫課程改革與實施後,國中、小語文教育政策的可能走向 與實施成效,特別關注於語文學習領域三大類語言的橫向整合與縱向銜接。為了達成 研究目的,本研究擬採用文獻分析、學校訪視、訪談、教室觀察以及座談等多元的方 法進行研究。預期達成之具體成果有如下五項: (一)、掌握國內以及國外香港、新加坡等地,有關語言教育政策與實施之文獻, 確認國中、小語文學習領域之語言政策走向; (二)、檢視國中、小語文學習領域三大類語言橫向整合與縱向銜接的問題,並提 出可能的解決策略; (三)、分析學校行政人員、教師、學生以及縣市教育行政人員,對語文學習領域 語言教育政策與實施之態度與意見,作為國中、小語言教育繼續施行的參考; (四)、瞭解國中、小學生在鄉土語言、國語與英語等三大類語言的上課情形與學 習經驗;以及 (五)、綜合文獻探討、學校訪視、訪談、教室觀察以及相關人員座談所得的結果, 提出改進國、中小語言教育政策與實施的參考建議。
The major purpose of this study is going to explore the language education policies and practices of grades 1-9 after the curriculum reform in 2001. Data derived from literature review, school visit, individual interview, classroom observation, and focus group interview meeting will provide significant information to answer the related research questions. The prospective research findings from this study will include the following: (1) a thorough review of relevant documents about language education policies and practices of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore; (2) a clear picture of language arts』 integration and continuity for grades 1-9; (3) a detailed analysis of the opinions and attitude of teachers, administrators, and students toward the language education policies and practices; (4) a holistic understanding of students』 learning experiences in three different kinds of language classes (Homeland Languages, Madarin, and English); and (5) concrete suggestions for improving the language education policies and practices in Taiwan.
The major purpose of this study is going to explore the language education policies and practices of grades 1-9 after the curriculum reform in 2001. Data derived from literature review, school visit, individual interview, classroom observation, and focus group interview meeting will provide significant information to answer the related research questions. The prospective research findings from this study will include the following: (1) a thorough review of relevant documents about language education policies and practices of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore; (2) a clear picture of language arts』 integration and continuity for grades 1-9; (3) a detailed analysis of the opinions and attitude of teachers, administrators, and students toward the language education policies and practices; (4) a holistic understanding of students』 learning experiences in three different kinds of language classes (Homeland Languages, Madarin, and English); and (5) concrete suggestions for improving the language education policies and practices in Taiwan.