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A three-year research project aiming to promoteEnglish debate in various forms and multiple facets(i.e., ’debate as a formal competition,’ ’debateas a discourse genre in regular English curriculum’and ’debate as civil training in everyday life’) inTaiwanese high schools was first implemented in 2011with 35 English teachers from all over the countrycurrently participating in the project. Currentlythis English debate promotion project has completedits initial ’planning’ stage, where vision sharing,teacher development, curriculum/program design,information providing, and network building were setas the major promotion strategies. The report heredelineates the tasks planned under those promotionstrategies and the task accomplishments from thefirst year of the project. The tasks that wereimplemented include 1) holding a one-day workshop toassist the participants envision the whole projectand elevate their knowledge about English debate andargumentation, 2) setting up an online learningplatform (called Moodle) to facilitate informationdissemination and network building, 3) devisingthree ’focal gardener projects,’ one from eachfacet, to model curriculum and material design andfurther strengthen participants’ expertise, 4)providing advice and consultation for ’individualgardener projects,’ and 5) soliciting feedback fromthe participants on the project. Judging from thefact that three ready-to-be used manuals have beenproduced from the focal gardener projects and someindividual projects also won the awards in K-12action research and teaching plan contests, theproject, in its first year, has had bountifulconcrete accomplishments. The feedback surveyresults also indicated that the majority of theparticipants were satisfied with the content of theworkshop, found Moodle a helpful online platform(though suggesting the way it was operated could beimproved), and endorsed the whole project and what itultimately aims to accomplish. It was also foundthat the participants who were involved in the focalgardener projects, due to their personalcontributions to the manuals and thus a chance tofurther develop their ability to teach English debateand argumentation, deemed the project in aparticularly positive light. All in all, the projecthas been off to a good start.







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