
dc.description.abstract本研究主要目的在探討「自我導向學習急救教育策略」對國小五、六年級學童急救知識、急救態度、自我效能、預期急救行為之影響,並進一步探討國小學童對於該介入課程之評價。 本研究採「準實驗設計」,分別進行三組不同急救教育策略介入研究,以士林區國小五、六年級學童自願參與者為自我導向組,另挑出性質相近的四個班分別進行資料自學及未介入組別。在實驗介入前,研究對象同時接受前測,藉以瞭解研究對象的背景並作為介入效果的評量基礎,後測則在課程結束後進行,以瞭解介入產生之立即效果;三個月後之後後測,則為評量介入產生的短期效果。所取得的資料以卡方檢定、變異數分析、配對t檢定、多元回歸分析等方法進行統計分析,所得到的結果如下: ㄧ、經自我導向學習急救教育介入後,研究對象在「急救知識」及「自我效能」的後測及後後測得分之增進,達統計上的顯著差異。 二、經自我導向學習急救教育介入後,研究對象在「急救態度」的後測及後後測之得分改變,未達統計上的顯著差異。 三、經自我導向學習急救教育介入後,研究對象在「預期急救行為」之後測得分之增進,達統計上的顯著差異,但於後後測得分則未達統計上之顯著差異。 四、「教學策略」是影響學童之急救知識、自我效能、預期急救行為的顯著因素,自我導向學習策略在「急救知識」及「自我效能」的立即及短期效果皆優於資料自學及對照組,在「預期急救行為」的立即效果優於資料自學;但三組在「急救態度」的立即及短期差異不顯著。 五、經不同急救教育介入後,「性別」、「年級」及「受傷經驗」是實驗結束時或實驗結束後三個月急救知識、急救態度、自我效能、預期急救行為的影響因子。 六、自我導向學習急救教育介入的評價方面,有高達七、八成的學童表示喜歡教學內容,且認為自我導向學習方式對自己有幫助;對課程的整體感覺認為是好的,且認為非常符合自己的需要。 整體而言,藉由自我導向學習急救教育介入方式,能有效的提昇緊急救護的相關能力。因此,建議針對本研究應用的自我導向學習急救教育策略提供實務及相關研究之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of the subject is to discuss the effects of the “self- directed learning strategy on teaching first-aid” on fifth and sixth graders children’s knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy and expectation toward first aid. The study is also to probe the school children’s perception of this program. This study involves a quasi-experimentation conducted on three different groups, who are composed of fifth and sixth graders from Shilin District elementary schools. The volunteers from this pool are grouped as the self-directed group. Other study subjects are drawn from four other classes of the same grades divided into the self-learning handbook group and control group. Before the experiment, all the study subjects are evaluated to understand their background. The immediate results are obtained right after the experiment is completed. The short-term results are obtained three months after the completion of the experiment. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, chi-square test, pair-t test, and multiple regression analysis. The main findings of the study are as the following: 1. After the self-directed learning strategy of instruction was applied during the experiment, subjects have shown significant differences in the post-test and the second post- tests scores on knowledge and self-efficacy. 2. After the self-directed learning strategy of instruction was applied during the experiment, the post-test and second post-tests scores were shown not to be significantly higher than the scores 0btained pre-test on attitude. 3. After the self-directed learning strategy of instruction was applied during the experiment, the post-test scores were shown significant differences on expectation first aid behavior, but second post-tests scores were shown not to be significantly differences on expectation first aid behavior. 4. Applying the right method of instructing the school children in important in determining the children’s first-aid knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy and expectation toward first aid. The “first aid knowledge” and “self-efficacy” scores obtained when self-directed learning method was applied are higher compared to the corresponding scores obtained from the two other groups. While the self-directed learning group score higher than self-learning handbook groups in “expectation toward first aid”, all three groups did not score highly on immediate or short-term results of first-aid attitude. 5. After different first aid education getting involved, "sex," "grade," and "get injury experience" is immediate or short-term results first aid the knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy and expectation toward first aid of influence factor. 6. Seventy to eighty percent of the students expressed that they liked the self-directed learning strategy, and thought this method is beneficial to them in general. These subjects felt that the overall content is important. In conclusion, the self-directed learning method is an effective educational strategy to be applied to the school children who are learning how to respond to emergency and related first-aid information. This study could be used as an example to prove that the self-directed learning strategy is a viable educational strategy to consider to be applied to the general population of schoolchildren.en_US
dc.subjectSelf-Directed Learningen_US
dc.subjectElementary Schoolen_US
dc.titleExperimental Research on Results from“Self-Directed Learning Strategy in Teaching First-Aid”to Elementary Schoolen_US

