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The purpose of the present study is to explore how seventh-grade students can benefit from reading multiple texts on controversial topics in History. Based on the research framework of Kintsch’s Construction-Integration Model and Zarnowski’s five criteria in Sense Making of History, this project will use trade books and adolescent literature as multiple sources of further reading to study history. The reading activity of K-W-L-A will be adopted. The study will compare the construction of meaning from reading textbook plus trade books chosen to enrich the textbook, and reading textbook plus books generally recommended for seventh graders in the school. The study will also interview history teachers, and analyze the coherence between the textbook, the teacher’s manual, and the trade books. By depicting a clearer relation between multiple texts and history learning (including gaining in content knowledge as well as in disciplinary knowledge), the study will have implications for theories of reading comprehension for multiple texts, and for the design and choice of instructional materials in history.
The purpose of the present study is to explore how seventh-grade students can benefit from reading multiple texts on controversial topics in History. Based on the research framework of Kintsch’s Construction-Integration Model and Zarnowski’s five criteria in Sense Making of History, this project will use trade books and adolescent literature as multiple sources of further reading to study history. The reading activity of K-W-L-A will be adopted. The study will compare the construction of meaning from reading textbook plus trade books chosen to enrich the textbook, and reading textbook plus books generally recommended for seventh graders in the school. The study will also interview history teachers, and analyze the coherence between the textbook, the teacher’s manual, and the trade books. By depicting a clearer relation between multiple texts and history learning (including gaining in content knowledge as well as in disciplinary knowledge), the study will have implications for theories of reading comprehension for multiple texts, and for the design and choice of instructional materials in history.