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林口作為台北都會區的邊陲,一向具有台北都會區的緩衝區概念,表現在住宅需 求、生活社會經濟需求、甚或是娛樂的需求。林口是台灣北部都會區邊緣的重要聚落, 曾因應都會發展而規劃成的林口新市鎮與林口特定區計畫使它走上現代化道路,同時 也瓦解了原來林口聚落的傳統美學與機能。作為台北都會現代化的空間延伸,林口似 乎產生許多”現代的正向”改觀,但是林口臺地西北區域的當代河床土地與河岸土地 卻充滿了邊陲性格,有高度汙染的畜牧業、小農、垃圾場與墓地之外,更有為都會中 高階級而備的高爾夫球場與各式休閒空間。獨不見影響當地一般居民都市生活主義的 寧適性。 本研究計畫將進行五條林口河川的土地使用變遷分析,以整合的政治生態學理路, 來理解林口河床土地與其所在都會邊陲的環境變遷對於日益邊陲化的林口河床土地的 影響作用,並試圖提出傳統在地社會與社群變遷瓦解與現代都會生活方式興起後,對 於西北林口台地河床環境變化的政治生態解釋模式。 本計畫研究工具與方法歷程有四,(一)為林口土地利用變遷地圖之分析,(二)居民 與地方意見領袖的質性訪談,(三)台灣河川的政治經濟學與人文生態分析(即為稍做解 構的政治生態),最後(四)以具有理論觸覺的紮根理論為基礎,發展本計畫所欲提出的 都會邊陲河床土地發展問題的理論化可能。其中,地圖分析與訪談是方法,而政治生 態和紮根理論則為思考建構與方法論。
Linkou is located at the marginal area of the Taipei metro. Throughout history, it serves mainly as a buffer zone for Taipei Metro area. When the Metro has a need for leisure space and for golf fields to play on and to make a healthy life style, Linkou provides. When the Metro area has garbage and debris that need to be buried or taken care of, Linkou comes to the Metro’s rescue. Linkou is an indispensable space for Taipei Metro. Unfortunately, Linkou does not own its amenity for its own sake or for its very own people. Urbanism, at its best, is not evident and neith seen in the northwestern Linkou and its people. This project aims at three goals: (1) to compare and contrast the 1/5000 aerial photos of Linkou area for its change of riverine environment and land use patterns. After this comparison, the project will analyze political economic basics for political ecology analysis. (2) A preliminary political ecology explanation will be concluded to understand how the riverine environment and land use change is related to legal regulations, the local politics and local economic and urban development. (3) Concepts and methods for political ecology will be used to analyze how the local agricultural economy, the gold fields, garbage debris and local politics are embedded with each other. Grounded theory is a meta-framework for navigating through the political ecology that was played out in Linkou. It will be combined in a way that makes sense of the ground truth of Linkou’s riverine environment and its changing patterns. In terms of methods, map comparison, qualitative methods (interviews, text analysis etc.) and the concept of theoretical touch for grounded theory to fulfill a creative adventure that is challenging to understand the riverbed land use of Linkou.







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