
dc.description.abstract本研究目的在探討國內社區健康 營造中心營造狀況之相關影響因素及 成效評價。 本研究計畫為期一年,分為兩階 段進行。研究對象的選取以北部地區 41 家社區健康營造中心的成員為母群 體,在第一階段,運用深度訪談、再 以系統分層隨機抽樣法,最後取 20 家 社區健康營造中心成員為樣本,進行 結構式問卷調查,共發出 565 份問卷, 回收 358 份有效問卷,有效問卷回收 率為 63.4%;第二階段,則從第一階 段的樣本社區中,篩選出一個社區組 織結盟有效的社區及另一個社區組織 結盟效果不彰的社區作為對照,運用 個 別 訪 談 、 焦 點 團 體 訪 談 等 研 究 方 法,比較兩社區在社區健康營造策略 上的差異,並對其中重要因素作深入 分析,以建構有效社區健康營造運作 模式,供未來各社區在進行健康營造 工作上,得以繼續發展之重要參考依 據。 本研究有幾點重要發現:(1)目前台 灣社區健康營造中心成員背景以女性 為主,年齡分佈以 41-50 歲年齡層居 多 ; 成 員 參 與 數 目 有 持 續 增 加 的 趨 勢。另外,年齡愈大、教育程度越低、沒有正式工作及有在營造中心擔任職 務(如:志工隊隊長)的成員,具有 較佳的成員態度與能力;(2)「運作過程」 與「計畫執行有效性」之相關探討發 現:領導型態、溝通型態、社區參與 助 力 與 計 畫 執 行 有 效 性 達 顯 著 正 相 關;(3)「組織結構」與「計畫執行有效 性」之相關探討發現:組織行政運作、 組織氣氛與計畫執行有效性達顯著正 相關;(4)「成員態度與能力」與「計畫 執行有效性」之相關探討發現:成員 滿意度、成員知識與技能與計畫執行 有效性達顯著正相關;(5)「組織連結 與組織結盟」與「計畫有效性」並無 達到顯著相關;(6)以「運作過程」 、 「組 織結構」、「成員態度與能力」、「組織 連結與組織結盟」預測「計畫有效性」 的逐步迴歸發現,成員滿意度、溝通 型態、社區參與阻力能有效預測計畫 有效性,三者共同解釋力為 28.7%, 以成員滿意度解釋力最高,佔 18.3%。 因此未來社區健康營造中心內部 經 營 時 , 提 升 成 員 滿 意 度 及 溝 通 型 態、並降低社區成員參與阻力應是首 要考量的重要因素;另外在「組織連 結與結盟」此項因素上,值得未來國 內相關研究持續投入關注,以深入瞭 解 此 變 項 在 台 灣 社 區 健 康 營 造 過 程 中,與國外相關研究成果所扮演之重 要角色是否真正有所不同,亦或只是 現階段台灣社區營造時的短暫現象。 本研究提供以下幾項建議:(1)營造良好 組織氣氛、增加成員與自身相關的健 康知能成長機會,以提升社區營造中 心成員滿意度;(2)改善社區營造中心的 領 導 型 態 , 為 成 員 建 立 有 效 溝 通 管 道; (3)增加助力促使成員更願意參與社 區健康營造事務;(4)強化社區組織行政 運作功能,使其組織間功能更趨正式 化,以便有效促進社區資源整合。zh_tw
dc.description.abstractThe purposes of this study are to investigate factors that may influence community health building in Taiwan and to evaluate the effectiveness of the community health building programs. The data was collected by in-depth interview, focus grouping, and the structural questionnaire. Stratified random sampling was used to derive the sample for this study. The study population was defined as the 41 centers for community health building in north Taiwan. Study subjects of the questionnaire survey were recruited from members of 20 centers randomly selecting from the 41centers. A total of 565 structured questionnaires were mailed out to participants and 358 questionnaires were returned, yielding a response rate of 63.4%. Important findings of this study include: (1) the majority of members of community health building centers in north Taiwan are female and within the age interval of 41-50. The number of members continues to increase. Also, attitudes and capability of voluntary members were positively associated with older age, lower levels of education, no formal jobs, and position holding in the community center; (2) findings of operating process and efficiency of project implementation: types of leadership, types of communication, benefits(such as courage from family members, getting to know new friends etc.) of community participation were positively associated with the efficiency of project implementation; (3) findings of organizing structures and efficiency of project implementation: administrative operation and atmosphere of organizations were positively associated with the efficiency of project implementation; (4) findings of members' attitudes and capability and efficiency of project implementation: extent of satisfaction, knowledge, and skills of members were positively associated with efficiency of project implementation; (5) the relationship between connections and alliances of organizations and efficiency of project implementation was not statistically significant; (6) findings from a stepwise regression using operating process, organizing structure, attitudes and capability of members, and connections and alliances of organizations as predictors showed that extent of members' satisfaction, types of communication, barriers of community participation were strong predictors. These three factors collectively account for 28.7% of variation in efficiency of project implementation. The extent of members' satisfaction alone accounts for 18.3% of variation. Therefore, the extent of members' satisfaction, types of communication, and barriers of community participation should be considered when operating internal managements of community health building centers in the future. Recommendations based on the study findings include: (1) creating a pleasant atmosphere of organizations and enhancing the satisfaction of members in the community centers; (2) improving types of leadership in community centers and creating an effective channel for communication between members; (3) augmenting facilitating factors of community participation to increase involvement of members; (4) strengthening administrative functions of community organizations to promote integration of community resources.en_US
dc.relation(行政院國家科學委員會研究計畫,NSC 92-2516-S-003-021)zh_tw
dc.subject.otherCommunity health buildingen_US
dc.subject.otherCommunity coalitionen_US
dc.subject.otherEvaluation of effectivenessen_US


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