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近年在高中與大學階段,都設有相關課程來實施憲法教育,使青年學子能體認國家 立國精神,政府組織原理及人民基本權利內容,以涵育公民資質,建構民主法治社會;但此兩 階段的教學內容,如何能依據教育原理,切合學生認知發展,設計一套能循序漸進的教學模式 ,是本文探討的重點。為能做精緻的規劃,本文除檢討現行課程、教材、教學的缺失,也引述 美國、日本、中共的做法,比較利弊得失,或可尋出一條適合臺灣發展的途徑。
To make the youth to be consious of the establishment of our nation, the principle of the government organization and the content of citizens' basic right, and to promote citizens' intellect and build a democratic and lawruling society, courses concerning constitution have been set in high schools and colleges in recent years. How to make the teaching content of this period based on teaching principle and suitable for the intellectual development of students and to design a teaching mode in proper order is the important point that this article is going to discuss. Besides examining the defects of current courses, materials, and teaching methods, the means in America, Japan and the mainland China are also adopted to make a comparison to make a accurate program and a proper road for Taiwan.
To make the youth to be consious of the establishment of our nation, the principle of the government organization and the content of citizens' basic right, and to promote citizens' intellect and build a democratic and lawruling society, courses concerning constitution have been set in high schools and colleges in recent years. How to make the teaching content of this period based on teaching principle and suitable for the intellectual development of students and to design a teaching mode in proper order is the important point that this article is going to discuss. Besides examining the defects of current courses, materials, and teaching methods, the means in America, Japan and the mainland China are also adopted to make a comparison to make a accurate program and a proper road for Taiwan.