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結合線上自學與視訊會談之混合式華語教學法、學習活動與測驗研究 本研究為整合計畫「跨國合作之華語遠距協同教學模式研究--美國高中華語課程之設計與實施」之子計畫一,主要負責「線上自學」與「視訊(師生)會談」兩種型態混合的華語教學法、線上練習、線上活動、課後作業,與測驗等項目研究。本研究擬借助混合式學習理論,結合線上、視訊兩種學習環境與型態,期使網路世代的美國高中生利用其所熟悉的網路社群環境,以及兼具遊戲趣味與溝通成效的線上活動,自主而又協同互動地學習中文;同時也有機會透過同步視訊,與教師及協同學習的同學以目標語進行面對面的互動交流。本研究預計於一年五個月的執行期間,針對美國高中生的華語學習策略與風格,並依據美國線上課程規範與外語學習準則等標準,完成每一課的線上練習、線上活動、課後作業、視訊提問、視訊活動,與線上測驗等題目,並隨之訂定線上各式活動的設計原則、教學指引,以及學習回饋的指標。在試教過程中,將設計教學實驗、問卷調查、側錄檔觀察、逐字稿轉錄、訪談等研究方法,取得多種量化數據與質性研究資料,以期針對不同的活動與測驗類型組合模式,比較其後測成績、活動滿意度、學習過程的情緒反應等,以取得後續修改活動的依據,以及日後推廣應用時的學習成效證明。本研究預期的貢獻,除了開展全球華語學界對於混合式學習、線上與視訊的學習活動研究之外,亦可建立美國年輕學子認識台灣與正體字之美的友好印象;更重要的是,可為台灣的華語學界開拓美國中學的遠距教學市場,並以此突出台灣華語教學在遠距、視訊,與數位學習等方面領先中國大陸之特色發展。
A Study of Chinese Pedagogy, Learning Activities, and Assessment for Blended Learning Combining Online Self-Study and Videoconferencing The study is the first individual project of the integrated project “The study of distance Chinese teaching model -- the design and implementation of Chinese language courses for senior high school level in the US”. The study aims to develop the Chinese pedagogy, online exercises, activities, assignments and assessments for blended learning which combines two learning environments of online self-study and videoconferencing. This learning approach is delivering the type of instruction that motivates, excites, inspires and exactly meets American high school students’ interest level. Today’s students have access to things their parents never did, such as video games, the Internet, social networks, etc. This onslaught of technology has changed the way this generation of students participates in language learning. Additionally, the schools welcome high quality of Chinese distance course with efficient activities to meet the need of Chinese program from students and parents. And at the same time, distance course actually does not increase too much cost as employ a full-time or part-time Chinese teacher. Experimental study model is used in this study. The students attending teaching experiment will be given post-test at the end of each lesson in order to compare the students’ learning achievements towards different types or models of online activities, assessment. Triangulation Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Methods is also used in this study. The data is collected through a questionnaire, interviews, and observations for the purposes of comparing students’ satisfaction, performance, reaction and emotional attitudes towards different types or models of activities and assessments. The expected contributions of this study include the development of the research achievement related to Chinese learning activities for online self-study, videoconferencing and blended learning, the establishment of friendly imagination for American young students towards Taiwan culture, and the highlight of the Taiwanese performance in terms of distance education, videoconferencing, and e-learning in the field of teaching Chinese as a second or foreign language, which are current key features of Taiwan and are ahead of Mainland China.







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