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本文旨在介紹演示華語詞彙學習網站,運用認知概念圖於華語詞彙教學中,希冀進一步探究本網站自學與導學應用之可行性與優勢。近年來詞彙教學逐漸受到重視 (胡明揚,1997;孫德金,2006),詞彙的多義性一直是對外漢語學習者的難點之一(邢志群,2011;陳建生等人,2011),如何有效地運用教學材料幫助二語學習者學習相關詞彙是本研究主要關心的議題。一方面,本網站的教材內容設計主要從認知語義學理論切入,研發顏色詞與溫度詞彙的學習內容。學習內容結合了Lakoff (1987)提出的理想化認知模式(ICM)、隱喻(metaphorical)和轉喻映射(metonymic mappings)原則、以及Taylor (1995)語義鏈(meaning chains)機制所描寫之語義聯想途徑建立詞彙群之認知「概念圖」(Novak & Gowin, 1984);另一方面,前人的研究指出配合多媒體視聽教學工具的二語學習,能有效提升二語學習者詞彙學習的效益(Chun et al.,1996; Duquette et al.,1998);因此,本學習網站除以「隱喻」與「轉喻」映射來串連詞彙間的延伸關係,並融入包含視覺與聽覺刺激之情境對話之數位動畫與練習題,希冀幫助華語學習者詞彙學習: 從高頻「基本義」詞彙擴充延伸至「抽象義」詞彙,並鞏固其多義詞的相關詞彙知識,展現華語詞彙教學數位化之優勢。
This paper aims to explore the feasibility of cognitive concept map application in Chinese vocabulary learning through online learning. In recent years, the importance of vocabulary learning has been increasing (Hu, 1997 (胡明揚);Sun, 2006 (孫德金)) and the issue about the difficulty in learning polysemous words has also been brought up (Xing, 2001 (邢志群);Chen et al., 2011 (陳建生) ). Therefore, this paper seeks to propose an efficient way to assist L2 learners with their vocabulary learning. On the one hand, we chose Chinese color-related words and temperature-related words with high frequency as learning materials and analyzed them on the basis of cognitive semantics. In order to provide an efficient way of vocabulary learning, we applied the work of Lakoff (1987) on ICM, metaphorical mappings, metonymic mappings, Taylor’s (1995) proposed meaning chains, and created a concept map (Novak & Gowin, 1984) integrated with cognitive principles and explanations. On the other hand, we are aware of the advantages of vocabulary learning by means of multimedia from previous research (Chun et al., 1996; Duquette et al., 1998); thus, the website is presented with the concept maps designed by us and provided multimedia assistance in dialogues and practice. All in all, our major aim is to explore the feasibility of Chinese vocabulary online learning through the assistance of cognitive principles by presenting the route from core meanings to more abstract meanings, supplemented by concept maps and multimedia.
This paper aims to explore the feasibility of cognitive concept map application in Chinese vocabulary learning through online learning. In recent years, the importance of vocabulary learning has been increasing (Hu, 1997 (胡明揚);Sun, 2006 (孫德金)) and the issue about the difficulty in learning polysemous words has also been brought up (Xing, 2001 (邢志群);Chen et al., 2011 (陳建生) ). Therefore, this paper seeks to propose an efficient way to assist L2 learners with their vocabulary learning. On the one hand, we chose Chinese color-related words and temperature-related words with high frequency as learning materials and analyzed them on the basis of cognitive semantics. In order to provide an efficient way of vocabulary learning, we applied the work of Lakoff (1987) on ICM, metaphorical mappings, metonymic mappings, Taylor’s (1995) proposed meaning chains, and created a concept map (Novak & Gowin, 1984) integrated with cognitive principles and explanations. On the other hand, we are aware of the advantages of vocabulary learning by means of multimedia from previous research (Chun et al., 1996; Duquette et al., 1998); thus, the website is presented with the concept maps designed by us and provided multimedia assistance in dialogues and practice. All in all, our major aim is to explore the feasibility of Chinese vocabulary online learning through the assistance of cognitive principles by presenting the route from core meanings to more abstract meanings, supplemented by concept maps and multimedia.