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臺灣竹材豐富,竹材的利用又十分符合綠色環保,因為竹林須定期疏伐以利更替。因此若能因勢利導,有效培育竹藝類的文化創意產業專業人才,將可為臺灣工藝產業開創另一波榮景。先進國家為了統合其國內各種學術專長、專業職業教育與訓練資歷,並用以認可經由各種管道的學習成果,皆建立有國家資歷架構,其中專業人才的「功能地圖」為其重要藍圖。有鑑於此,本研究以竹藝產業為標的,運用功能分析法,發展出竹藝類文化創意專業人才功能地圖,並建構出竹藝類文化創意產業的關鍵目的、四大功能領域、12 關鍵工作功能和45 項功能單元,最後對竹藝類文化創意產業的後續發展提出具體建議。
Taiwan has abundant bamboo resources and the utilization of bamboo materials is very environment-friendly because a bamboo forest has to be periodically and partially cut. Therefore, the development of the cultural and creative professionals of bamboo handicrafts could create a prosperous opportunity for crafts industry in Taiwan. In order to recognize the accomplishment level of learning through different ways, many industry-advanced countries construct a national qualifications framework (NQF) and the functional map is an important blueprint for NQF. Hence, focused on cultural and creative industries of bamboo crafts, this study employed a functional analysis approach to develop and validate a functional map, which includes a key purpose, four critical functional areas, 12 key job functions, and 45 units of competency. In addition, suggestions for the industry and further studies were also made.
Taiwan has abundant bamboo resources and the utilization of bamboo materials is very environment-friendly because a bamboo forest has to be periodically and partially cut. Therefore, the development of the cultural and creative professionals of bamboo handicrafts could create a prosperous opportunity for crafts industry in Taiwan. In order to recognize the accomplishment level of learning through different ways, many industry-advanced countries construct a national qualifications framework (NQF) and the functional map is an important blueprint for NQF. Hence, focused on cultural and creative industries of bamboo crafts, this study employed a functional analysis approach to develop and validate a functional map, which includes a key purpose, four critical functional areas, 12 key job functions, and 45 units of competency. In addition, suggestions for the industry and further studies were also made.