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本研究旨在探索遺產保護和遺產主導再生之間的衝突,特別是在世界遺產地的脈絡下,以利物浦為案例進行研究。研究方法為單一個案研究法,並以二手資料作為依據來收集資料。本研究從二手文獻以及這些辯論當中梳理出利物浦被除名的原因不僅僅是利物浦的大型開發案「Liverpool Waters」所導致,事件背後更包含了其他重要的議題,包括:(1)英國國家政策以及利物浦的都市規劃系統缺乏規範,導致無法有效管理世界遺產區域,並與聯合國教科文組織達成共識;(2)世界遺產除名的決策過程中需要更嚴謹的程序;(3)利物浦和聯合國教科文組織沒有進行有效的對話,聽取雙方的訴求;(4)雙方對保護遺產的理解不一樣,重視遺產價值的層面也不盡相同。儘管遺產從世界遺產名錄中被除名的案例並不常見,若是沒有探討其中更深遠的因素,將會無法避免同樣、類似的問題發生。從以上討論當中,希冀此研究能在遺產主導再生的實踐方面,提供更多元的角度,讓遺產的保護與再生,不再是二元對立的議題。
The research aims at discovering how decision makers in Liverpool use heritagization in their process of regeneration, and exploring the conflict between heritage preservation and city’s heritage-led regeneration, especially under the context of World Heritage Sites, using Liverpool as case study. The methodology of the research is the single case qualitative study, with data collections of secondary documents encompassing literature, professional reports, global and local initiatives, press and news media coverage.From the debates and the documents collected, the research sorted out that the key reasons causing the incident of Liverpool’s delisting is not simply resulted from Liverpool Waters but other issues that worth discussing: (1) the planning framework in the UK as well as Liverpool is lack of regulation in conserving heritages in conservation areas of World Heritage Site; (2) the procedure of deciding the removal of the status is not thorough enough; (3) Liverpool and UNESCO fail to have effective conversation and listen to each other’s needs; (4) the value and the definition of conserving heritage are different from both stakeholders’ perspectives. From the above discussion, even though the delisting of world heritage site was the rare decision, it would not be one occurrence if the reasons causing delisting are not extensively discovered. Furthermore, the study is hoped to provide more diverse perspectives, making heritage conservation and regeneration not to be a binary issue.



遺產化, 遺產主導再生, 聯合國教科文組織, 利物浦, 世界遺產, Heritagization, Heritage-led Regeneration, UNESCO, Liverpool, World Heritage Site





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