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摘 要 國內近年來的教育改革,主要都是為了教育好下一代。如何讓學生有效又快樂的學習?除了要有好的教材、好的教師、更要有好的學習方法及策略。二十一世紀是知識快速變遷、國際關係日益密切的新時代,學習不單只是為了求知的考量,而是一種隨時隨地可以再出發再學習的能力,而這種能力建立於學生時代有正確學習策略。本研究透過行動研究,配合參與觀察、對話、訪談、班級座談、心得寫作以及文件分析等方式蒐集資料。先分析研究者所任教不同學習能力的學生目前自律學習策略和學習動機。再利用第一階段研究取得研究的經驗,將此經驗針對五位學習弱勢和研究者導師班的國中學生為研究對象,引導訓練他們運用自律學習策略來學習,並透過自律學習循環模式來檢視自己的學習情形,隨時改進、修正自己的學習策略,以求達到提升學業學習成果。經過一年又十個月的研究進行後提出本研究的結論與建議。 本研究的主要發現有如下六點: (一)學習策略和學習動機影響學生的學習成就,國中學生的學習成就有差異,在進行自律學習策略的訓練時,需採取漸進方式。(二)好的班級經營,才能提供學生好的學習環境,有好的學習情境,才能以時間規劃為訓練自律學習之首要。(三)在進行自律學習策略的同時,對於學習成就較低者,必須藉同儕及老師協助,給予適當的補救教學,才能提高學習弱勢學生的學習信心與興趣,班級的學習能力才能一起提昇。(四)作文的訓練,閱讀、長句練習和文章結構三者並進,當語文能力提升後,各科的學習能力也能同時提高。(五)學習正六角形提供學生過程中做自我檢視,以便調整自己的學習策略,能自我檢視,調整學習規劃,則就是一個完整的自律學習循環模式。(六)學生具備自律學習之能力後,學習成就能提高。 根據上述研究發現本研究提出下列建議,提供給有興趣研究學生自律學習策略後續研究者參考:學生的自律學習訓練,是學生、家長、老師和學校四方面共同的責任,透過導師的班級經營,提供學生一個好的學習環境後,配合四方面共同努力,才能真正提升學生的學習成果。
Abstract The main purpose of this study is inquire into what self-regulated learning strategies are and how self- regulated learning strategies help students learn better. The data in this qualitative research are collected from observation, conversations, interviews, class discussions, writing reflections and document analyses. The researcher analyzes the original learning strategies and motivations of the students with different learning abilities. Then he uses the theory and the results of the pilot study to guide and train the underprivileged class students and five low-achievement learners. By having self- regulated learning strategies and using self-regulated learning circular mode to examine their learning, students can modify and improve their learning skills and gain better grades and learn well. According to the study, the conclusions are as follow: 1. Learning strategies and learning motivations influence students’ learning achievement. Teaching students self-regulated learning strategies should be done gradually. 2. With good classroom management, a good learning environment can be formed. And with good leaning environment, students can learn how to arrange time, which is the first step of self-regulated learning. 3. Assistant from teachers and peers is needed for underprivileged class students, while they are using self-regulated learning strategies. Giving them suitable complementary teaching can elevates their learning confidence and interest. 4. Practicing writing through reading, long sentences and organization can help elevate students’ language ability, which can improve the ability of learning other school subjects at the same time. 5. “Regular Hexagon Self-examination” offers students a way to examine their learning by themselves, so that they can modify their learning strategies. The whole self-regulated learning circular mode is unfinished unless students find they can learn better. Since they have the ability of self-regulated learning, their learning achievement can be elevated. 6. Parents , teachers, schools and students themselves should take responsibility for students’ learning. Only when all of them work together, students’ learning can be elevated.



自律學習, 自律學習循環模式

