以台灣高中為主的多面向英語論辯推廣計劃 (II)
dc.contributor | 國立臺灣師範大學英語學系 | zh_tw |
dc.contributor.author | 常紹如 | zh_tw |
dc.date.accessioned | 2015-01-29T09:15:24Z | |
dc.date.available | 2015-01-29T09:15:24Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2013/08-2014/07 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | 鑒於英語論辯之諸多教育功能與價值〈如語言學習、思考訓練、文化學習及世界公 民養成等〉及台灣為亞洲少數未倡導英語論辯之國家,提案人以過去曾執行之多年期英 語辯論計劃成果為依據及根基,在全國北、中、南、東四區各招募六至十名英語教師, 自民國一百年起連續三年,在「英語辯論競賽」、「英語論辯教學」及「英語論辯生活 化」等三大面向於國內高中階段推動英語論辯教學並檢視其效益及成果。 在參考國外學者所提之推廣理論及國內科技推廣之實證研究後,本推廣計畫將分為 三年三階段之方式進行。第一年為「規劃期」〈執行中〉,推廣策略主要以「共享願景」 〈即計畫主持人與種子教師分享本計畫之緣由及最終目標〉、「教育訓練」〈即計畫主 持人為種子教師舉辦工作坊並協助購買相關書籍〉、「諮詢與增強」〈即計畫主持人藉 由網路學習平台提供種子教師諮詢管道〉及「支持性組織」〈即計畫主持人依照種子教 師個人興趣及意願協助成立互助小組﹝support group﹞〉為主。第二年為「行動期」,推 廣策略將持續第一年的「資源提供」、「教育訓練」、「諮詢與增強」及「支持性組織」, 但因為此階段之推行重點在於種子教師執行第一年所自行規劃之論辯教學企畫案,故多 了「監督進度」〈即計畫主持人監督種子教師個人計畫案執行進度並提供回饋〉。第三 年為「整合發展期」,推廣策略則以「外部溝通」〈即計畫主持人及種子教師分別對外 接洽游說相關權責單位「英語論辯活動常態化與制度化」和「英語論辯教育體制化」之 重要性〉及「散佈資訊」〈即計畫主持人帶領部分種子教師至不同政府及民間教育機構 向其介紹、說明英語論辯教育之推行面向及實際演練方式〉。希望透過此ㄧ循序漸進之 流程,逐一實現本計畫三大面向下之所有目標及工作項目。 在「英語辯論競賽」部分,本推廣計劃將透過舉辦英語辯論指導老師工作坊、辯士 培訓坊及協助學校規劃區域型辯論競賽並向所在縣市政府爭取籌備相關經費等工作項 目來推展。在「英語論辯教學」部分,本計劃將分析各版本英語教科書內容,找尋批判 性思考及英語論辯教學之最佳切入點,並針對該課文內容及論辯相關技巧編纂英語論辯 教學手冊,且於其後透過課堂教學,實地測試學生學習成效並修正手冊內容。在「英語 論辯生活化」部分,本計劃將藉由與本地英語教師及高中生討論日常生活論辯實例,提 醒其重視論辯之文化意涵及其在民主社會、公民素養上之重要性,同時亦鼓勵學生將論 辯精神與知能發揮、應用於日常生活中,並能將具體事例與他人分享。 本計畫第一年已順利展開,全國已有十六所學校共計三十二名英語教師自願擔任英 語論辯教育之先驅及推廣者。冀望透過有系統、有組織且循序漸進的推廣方式,英語論 辯教育終能在不遠之將來在台灣高中階段生根茁壯。 | zh_tw |
dc.description.abstract | This proposal delineates the second- and third-years of a three-year high school English debate promotion project which first set out in August 2011. Time and again, English debate has been proved to be an effective pedagogical vehicle for promoting learning of various types. However, English debate is neither popularly utilized as an educational means nor commonly learned in its own right as an important genre of oral English in high schools in Taiwan. Hence, a research project which aims to introduce and promote English debate and argumentation to high school teachers and students is exigently needed. To maximize the potential pedagogical values of English debate and argumentation, this research project intends to promote English debate and argumentation on three different planes, i.e., “debate as a formal competition,”“debate as a discourse genre in regular English curriculum”and “debate as civil training in everyday life.”On the plane of competitive debate, the project intends to promote English debate by familiarizing high school teachers and students with the types, formats and content of competitive debate. On the plane of debate as a genre of oral discourse to be studied in the English classroom, the project intends to integrate critical thinking and argumentation discourse skills into regular high school English curriculum. On the plane of debate as a tool of civil advocacy, the project aims to help high school students to use debate as a means of safeguarding their civil rights and searching for truth. Promotion of English debate on all three planes will unfold simultaneously. Currently having 32 English teachers from 16 senior high schools involved, this English debate promotion will proceed in three phases in which seven promotion strategies will be utilized to devise and execute the tasks pursued in each phase. In its initial “planning”stage, the project focuses on vision sharing, teacher development, curriculum/program design, information providing, and network building. When entering the “implementation”phase in the second year, the project will shift its focus to assisting participants in exercising and executing what has been learned in the initial year in a de-facto teaching situation. To continue and expand the tasks carried out on three planes in the second year, the project will eventually go into an “integration”phase in which the major promotion tasks are external communication and incorporation of debate into high school English education. By going through all three phases and engaging in various promotion tasks, the 32 participants will function as pioneer practitioners and future advocates for English debate as both a subject and a learning vehicle in Taiwan’shigh school English education. It is hoped that through this promotion project, high school educators’ and learners’ interests in English debate can be aroused, their debate knowledge and skills can be enhanced, their faith in debate’s multivariate educational values can be strengthened, and ultimately their role as a world citizen can be realized. | en_US |
dc.identifier | ntnulib_tp_B0203_04_010 | zh_TW |
dc.identifier.uri | http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/44146 | |
dc.language | zh_TW | zh_TW |
dc.relation | (國科會專題研究計畫,NSC101-2410-H003-104-MY2) | zh_tw |
dc.title | 以台灣高中為主的多面向英語論辯推廣計劃 (II) | zh_tw |
dc.title | A Multifaceted English Debate Promotion Project | en_US |
dc.title.alternative | Programs for Teachers and Students from Taiwanese High Schools (II) | en_US |