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在苗栗沿海地區的民間宗教信仰發展過程中,大致呈現了媽祖信仰於清代前期開始 發展,且多具有聯庄性質的宗教祭祀活動,和王爺信仰於清代後期開始發展,且多屬單 一村莊的宗教祭祀活動之現象,此事實明顯反映了苗栗沿海地區民間宗教信仰發展的時 間階段性,也呈現了苗栗沿海地區在不同時間階段,宗教祭祀活動所建構出的社會空間 差異性。 然而爲何清代媽祖信仰會出現聯庄性質的宗教祭祀活動,筆者曾經對苗栗縣竹南鎮 的中港慈裕宮進行考察,發現了早期中港慈裕宮媽祖信仰53 庄的區域性宗教組織構成, 與清代基層地方的街庄組織設立有密切的關係。因此,本研究計畫以此發現為基礎,進 一步地提出「基層行政區域與民間宗教發展的關係」的分析架構,來探討苗栗沿海地區 媽祖信仰的區域性宗教組織構成之議題。 依上述的理念,本研究計畫將專門針對苗栗沿海地區的媽祖信仰進行調查,接著以 行政區域與民間宗教信仰的關係為論述主軸,採取「社會的空間建構」觀點(Smith, S., 1999),探討媽祖信仰的發展如何在清代街庄組織發展的歷程中,展現出特有的聯庄性 宗教活動,進而形成一個區域性宗教組織。最後,藉由這些研究的基礎,進一步思考清 代後期的苗栗沿海地區,如何在聯庄性的媽祖信仰背景下,促使了以單一村莊祭祀為主 的王爺信仰之興起,來建構出清代苗栗沿海居民的宗教生活圖像。 因此,該研究計畫主要的研究課題有四:(1)苗栗沿海地區媽祖信仰的分布。(2)苗 栗沿海地區媽祖信仰區域性宗教組織的發展。(3)苗栗沿海地區聯庄組織管轄的空間範圍 與發展。(4)苗栗沿海地區聯庄組織與區域性宗教組織的社會互動。
Mazu belief mainly developed in earlier stage of Qing Dynasty and many villages participated in the Mazu religion activity, but Wang-ye belief mainly developed in later stage of Qing Dynasty and only single village participated in the Wang-ye religion activity in the popular religious development of the Miao-li coastal area. This fact has obviously reflected that the popular religious development can be divided into two stages, and Mazu belief and Wang-ye belief had different social space nature in the Miao-li coastal area. Why Mazu belief can present the religion activity that a lot of villages participate in? I once investigated the Zhong-gang Ci-yu temple of Zhu-nan township in Miao-li, and found that the formation of the 53 villages' religious organizations of Ci-yu temple closely related to the league of villages which was administrative organization at the basic level of the Qing Dynasty. So, this proposal proposes the analysis structure of ' the relation of administrative division and popular religion development ' to discuss the formation of the Mazu’s regional religious organizations in the Miao-li coastal area. The proposal will investigate Mazu beliefs in the Miao-li coastal area by the above ideas specially, and emphasize the relationships between the administrative division and religious belief. In addition, this proposal analyse the formation of the Mazu's regional religious organizations in the Miao-li coastal area by the concept of “spatial construct of society” . (Smith, S., 1999)Finally, we can realize the religious development from Mazu belief to Wang-ye belief further and the intact pictures of residents' religious lives in the Miao-li coastal area, Qing Dynasty. So, this proposal has four main subjects for research. (1) Distribution of Mazu beliefs in the Miao-li coastal area. (2) The development of Mazu’s regional religious organizations in the Miao-li coastal area. (3) The space range and development of the league of villages in the Miao-li coastal area. (4) The social relationships between the league of villages and the regional religious organizations in the Miao-li coastal area.



