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圖書館員一向以推動讀者資訊素養教育為職志,尤其是大學圖書館和大學圖書館員,從早期的書目指導(bibliographic instruction)、圖書館指導(library instruction)、圖書館利用教育(library use education),到近年來的資訊素養,乃至於數位素養,都希望能夠協助擔負推動素養教育之任務。從最近的研究分析來看,國外大學圖書館有關素養教育的議題,包括了圖書館利用教育、資訊素養教育、研究素養等三方面,又從最新的文獻資料,發現數位素養的概念,有哲學的探討,並企圖兼容並蓄,涵蓋過去資訊素養、媒體素養、科技素養等功能性的素養概念。因此新素養概念已經發生,本研究以數位素養和新素養互稱。由於圖書館員對於讀者素養教育的角色仍有相當的期待,因此本研究一方面希望瞭解國內大學圖書館員對於新素養概念的看法,一方面希望對圖書館員有關素養的知能有所了解。為達到研究目的,本研究擬採質化和量化雙軌研究進行。質化研究設計方面,一方面透過內容分析,提出圖書館員數位素養的概念架構,之後進行半結構訪談,以便瞭解圖書館員對於數位素養概念,以及對於讀者素養教育內容的想法;量化研究設計方面,希望透過圖書館員數位素養測驗量表之測量工具編製、測試,並對大學圖書館員進行施測,以了解國內大學圖書館員有關素養的技能狀況。本研究原為兩年計畫,但因核定一年,研究結果透過質化和量化分析,提出圖書館員對於新素養的概念架構,並對於館員進行數位素養測量,對於大學圖書館員的素養技能狀況、對新素養概念和讀者素養教育的看法有所了解,但無法繼續根據研究結果,規劃圖書資訊學數位素養教育課程的結構。本研究的研究貢獻有三:理論方面,提出圖書館員的數位素養概念架構;另外本研究編製數位素養測量工具,同時使用質化和量化研究取向,是研究方法上的貢獻。但是實務方面,限於時間和經費,本研究原希望將根據研究結果提出圖書館員的數位素養教育課程結構,對於專業將有實務上的貢獻,則無法實現。
Over the years, librarians, particularly academic librarians view that one of their major tasks being to promote patrons’ information literacy competency. How about librarians’ perception of digital literacy and patron’s literacy education need are the major inquiries of the current research. In order to promote patron’s information literacy, librarians may need particularly literacy skills for conducting the tasks as literacy educator, how about librarian’s own digital literacy competencies? This research proposes both quantitative and qualitative approach to explore academic librarian’s perception as well as competency of digital literacy. Content analysis was applied to draft a framework for digital literacy concepts; semi-structured interview was applied to ask the academic librarians for their perception of digital literacy as well their view of patron’s literacy education need. Digital literacy assessment tool has been developed accordingly and102 successful sampling completed the assessment survey. The research findings include a conceptual map of librarians’ view of digital literacy as well as a result of digital literacy evaluation. The contributions of this study are threefold. Firstly, theoretical contribution for that the librarian digital literacy conceptual framework has been developed. Secondly, digital literacy assessment tool and both qualitative and qualitative analysis research design for triangulation are the methodological contribution. Due to the restriction of the research project (applied for two years only granted one), the third potential practical contribution, librarian digital literacy education course structure to be developed was failed to fulfilled.



