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本文試從社區主義的觀點,探討政府與社區民眾間所面臨之環境管制政策。近年 來,由於政府無法適切地反應民眾的需求,社區民眾採取激烈的行動保護自己的環境權及健 康,政府與社區民眾的關係日趨緊張。因此,如何塑造政府與社區民眾命運共同體的和諧關 係,乃成為當前環境管制政策的重要課題。職是之故,本文擬從社區主義導向的環境管制政 策,建構以社區主義為導向之公共政策。
The purpose of this article is to explore the environmental regulatory policies in Taiwan between government and communities from a perspective of communitarianism. Relations between government and citizens are getting worse during past several years. Community citizens adopted violent action to protect their environmental rights and health. Factories respond unwillingly to citizens demands. How to create an interactive model for the goverment and community citizens are an urgent policy problem for the environmental officials. The article will be helpful to establishment of communitarianism-oriented policy of environmental regulatory policies of community-oriented theory of public policy.
The purpose of this article is to explore the environmental regulatory policies in Taiwan between government and communities from a perspective of communitarianism. Relations between government and citizens are getting worse during past several years. Community citizens adopted violent action to protect their environmental rights and health. Factories respond unwillingly to citizens demands. How to create an interactive model for the goverment and community citizens are an urgent policy problem for the environmental officials. The article will be helpful to establishment of communitarianism-oriented policy of environmental regulatory policies of community-oriented theory of public policy.